
Chapter 51

“What are you doing here?”

“Joining my wife in his little party, I think?”

I jolted from the couch, blown at how I didn’t realize Jaxson was here and he found me here in the balcony.

“Well, you shouldn't be here!” I couldn’t help but to slightly raise my voice because I’m still in a state of shock.

He answered by raising both his brows, pinning his eyes on me.

“Come on, Jax. Look around! No people could possibly see us here. You can now drop the act, okay? Don’t push yourself too much.” I said with a tone of annoyance as I gently shoved his chest away from me.

Jaxson shouldn’t pretend in front of me the way he does to others. He should be content at fooling other people and not include me.

I know he’s been dying to mingle with Daniella at this time. Well, too bad for them because I don’t think that people are gonna leave any time soon now.

“What do you mean pretending?”

“Oh please,” My eyes rolled up as I turned my stance, so I won’t be facing him.

[“Catcat? Hello? Who are you talking to?”]

My attention quickly returned to my phone when I heard Charles' voice from it. I hadn't dropped the call yet and my brother was still on the other line and could surely hear what we were talking about.

“Hello? Charles? Uhh… It’s just someone that I know. I’ll call you back later, okay?”I hurriedly answered as my index finger landed on Jaxson's face to command him not to talk.

[“Alright, Catcat. You can call me anytime when I am not inside a room that is full of machines and lights. I’ll be available when I’m not in pain. Just remember that you are not alone even if you feel you are a lonely Catcat. And I want all the best for you. You don’t have to worry about mom and I. I don’t know why there are so many people here who take care of us, but all I know is that all of it is because of you. So, I hope for the time being, you do what you want, Catcat and chase what you really want. Even if I’ll miss you so much, you know we will understand. I want to thank you for doing your best to give us the best.”]

I let out a deep sigh. Charles is really a great person to have by your side because he will listen to you and he knows what to say even if he is still at a very young age. He might even have a more mature mind than me.

“Thank you, Charles. You never let me down. You know I love you.”

[“Oh, I love you more, Catcat.”]

I immediately dropped the call and then turned my attention to Jaxson who I had earlier felt deep stares at me.

“You’re still here?”

He snickered. “What do you expect me to do? Leave my wife here alone and let you have champagne all by yourself?

I puffed air on my nose as I scrunched it up. “Will you please stop calling me your wife?”

“What? It’s the truth. Why would I drop it?” He responded as quickly as he rose from his seat and turned to the other side where he could be closer to me. Jaxson took the glass and poured champagne on it.

“The truth? You know it's not.” I shook my head softly before deciding to just lay down and stared back at the stars in the night sky.

I was having a wholesome relaxing moment. If only Jaxson didn’t come to ruin my mood.

Does he really think that he can just walk to me and have normal conversations like nothing really happened? He’s being ridiculous. I'm not such an emotionless person to quickly forget what I saw in his office. I am not that fool enough to let Jaxson deceive me.

“You are being too harsh, Catt.” Jaxson muttered which caught me in surprise by his sudden melancholy tone.

“I know… Right?” I responded, but my eyes remained fixed on the sky and did not give him a look.

I am taking this wedding too seriously. While Jaxson, seems to be just playing and having fun. I feel like I am being unfair to myself.

Silence enveloped us.

I let my eyes rest and took a gaze at the sky, while letting out a loud series of sighs.

Jaxson, on the other hand, I could still feel his presence not leaving me by my side. I think he’s also resting by having a drink of champagne.

This day has finally come to a close. And after this wedding, I know really well what kind of life awaits me after marrying Jaxson Madrigal.

I hope that it will just be like some of lame movie. That I can just live a normal wife’s life. But knowing Jaxson’s family, I don’t think that there will be a single day that would be normal.

“So, what will be your next step after the wedding?”

My brows met when Jaxson broke the ice and started to speak.

So he’s also thinking about what will happen next? huh.

“Well,” I muttered in a calm voice. “You know exactly where I will be. Of course, I got to finish college.”

“You’re not gonna try your luck in modeling?”

I slowly got up from lying down to see Jaxson’s face but I caught it dumbfounded in the lights as he took a sip on his champagne in a glass that I already used.

“Now that you mentioned it, I think it would be better for me to give it a try.” I simply said before grabbing the bottle and took a sip straight from it.

What Charles said earlier hits me like a block of ice. I should try chasing what's for me now that there are people that can take care of them for a while. I think now is the best time for me to try and find my passion.

“You're not going to be a model, Cattleya.”

My forehead creased as I stared intently at him. “Excuse me? You have no control of my life, Jax. I’m going to do it, with and without your consent.”

“And do you really think I’m gonna agree with that decision of yours so easily? You met the wrong person.” He uttered as he took a scarce gulp of champagne.

“I know very well that I met the wrong person, Jaxson. You don’t have to remind me twice.”

Our gazes locked as he shifted his eyes to me, seemingly lost of words.

“—Look, what’s with me pursuing being a model has something to do with you? I get it that Daniella and your mother are both professional models. But I’m telling you, there’s no point in not letting me do this thing just because they have done it. I’m a different person, Jax.”

“You were aware of my mother. How good are you in your research class?”

“Finn told me.” I responded swiftly.

“That little nerd.” He hissed. “He really likes oversharing things that he knows about me.”

“You mean, oversharing to your wife?” I slashed his words. “I don’t think it will be considered as oversharing if the person who asks for that information is your wife. Don’t you think so?” I added, emphasizing the word wife to him with a sarcastic tone.

“Whatever you say.” Jaxson took his gaze away from me, averting it to the champagne.

I sighed. “Hm, you can go and tell me your very best reason why you don’t want to allow me pursue modeling. Unless you tell me a valid motive, I’m gonna try it myself.”

“Cattleya, it's not going to be as easy as you think it is.”

I know. But I feel like this could be a start of something new for me and an open door of opportunity. “Nothing best in this world is easy, Jax.”

I went back lying on the couch and watch the stars as I saw him with no intention of answering me.

A loud series of sighs reverberated us.

If he’s not gonna tell me his reasons for not going, then I guess I have no reason to stop as well.

My eyes widened as Jaxson's face replaced the stars that I am watching.

He is upside down to me as he gapes intently to my eyes.

“W-What are you doing?” I stammered as he didn’t even flinch.

My eyes almost popped out in surprise when all of a sudden, he brought his face close to mine and gave a kiss on my lips with his face upside down.

He is the maddest, most unpredictable person I have ever known in my entire life.

I tried to push his shoulders away as I gained myself back.

“You didn’t even let your husband kiss you on the lips at your own wedding. You really are one of a kind, Cattleya.” He snickered.

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