
Chapter 48


I was overwhelmed as the big door of the church opened in front of my eyes. I was met by so many people and all their attention was on me. At the same time, a romantic instrumental tune that I requested from Charlotte as the theme song for my walk down the aisle.

I slowly took a small step, holding the pink with tinge of gold bouquet in my hand. I can now feel people's eyes on me, but I couldn't give them a look because my eyes are only fixed on one person.

As I watched the man at the end of the aisle, it still hadn't sunk in to me that the day had come when we would marry each other. That the wedding that I have been dreaming about since I was a child is really happening today. It feels like last night that I just met him and now I am getting married to that man named Jaxson Madrigal. Though we met in only three days, it doesn’t really feel like a very short time. It's almost like years of getting to know him as a person. A lot had happened between us, and if they’ll ask me, yes that’s merely enough for me to know Jaxson.

Those past few days that I was with him, just about to make me insane with the roller coaster of emotions he gave me.

Gazing intently to his cavernous eyes while feeling my feet slowly stepping towards him, I can’t help but to have a flashback in my head about everything that happened since the two of us came across each other’s lives.

That night when I was just casually listening to their conversation out of curiosity and boredom since I didn't have a customer yet by that time. Then there is he, seemingly lost in his thoughts with his face showing how hopeless he is from picking himself up. I will never let slip how highly strung I was the moment he started approaching me with that unforgettable dept in his eyes. I still remember how he got on my nerves when he insulted me and what I was wearing that night he first saw me.

I really thought that it would be the very last time we will see each other’s faces. But little did we know, fate had carved something of an unexpected situation for the two of us.

I mean— Who would’ve thought that a woman like me could marry a man that I just met that one night?

I'll never forget the utterly surreal sensations I went through as Jaxson slipped the ring on my finger in front of eyewitnesses. I felt like my chest was about to burst because of the peculiar emotions I felt. Even the moment when his lips contacted mine as his hands crept up around my waist, making my knees begin to tremble. That was unforgettable.

I nearly fell into his traps, now that I think about it. Especially the steamy kitchen thing we had and the time when he was drunk. Those bizarre interactions with someone was something I had never imagined to experience. But I did. And it was all because of him.

But I didn't just have all the positive moments with him, there was also the time when I felt hurt because of what he did. Especially when I found out that the real reason for this marriage is not really for him to withdraw his face to people and get the name of their company, but also for people to think that he already loves someone so they won't suspect his affair to his ex fiance. If I am being honest, I am still hurt because of what he did. And I am mad because he is so stupid and weak. That's why no matter what else Gunther tells me about feeling that I am starting to develop for Jaxson, I shouldn't think about it anymore.

I would rather wish for my brother Charles to be treated, get well very soon, and finally get home. While I finish our one year contract immediately so I can leave Madrigal and Jaxson with no hard feelings.

It is up to him if he still wants to make a fool of his ex fiance. At the end of the day, Daniella cheated on him and he will have a child with his step brother.

And as for me, I am just his contracted wife. Nothing more, and nothing less.

No hard feelings.

I'll seriously bury myself if I ever fell in love with Jaxson Madrigal.



Like almost all the people inside the wedding venue, Jaxson was also stunned by Cattleya's appearance when she was spit out by both large doors.

He was mesmerized by her beauty and could not take his eyes off Cattleya. It seems that the more he stares at her, the more memories of his mother come back to him.

He can't deny the resemblance of Cattleya and his mother. This is also the reason why just seconds after his eyes landed on Cattleya, the young woman grabbed his full attention. Her hair, her body, her eyes. She almost looks like her mother reincarnating from the past. But Jaxson knew that it was impossible. However, the more he denies it, the more Cattleya reminds him of his mother.

The way Cattleya talks, smiles, and jokes around, they really resemble each other.

As Cattleya got closer to where he was standing, he couldn't understand the pounding he felt in his chest. Even his successive scarce gulps that almost hurt his throat.

When it finally got close, Jaxson couldn't move as he was stunned by Cattleya's beauty. He is already aware of her mesmerizing beauty. It does think that she is so attractive that almost every man she encounters falls for her. It is all because of the young lady’s natural charm and beauty that could attract anyone. She has the purest heart and warm smiles.

When Jaxson extended his arm with a beam on his lips, Cattleya showed him merelt bland emotions.

She gave Jaxson a feigned smile because no matter how hard Cattleya tried to herself, she couldn't fake herself in front of him just to show Jaxson that everything was okay after everything he did to her.

Finnley, on the other hand, frowned. He was next to Jaxson and attended the wedding as his best man, that's why he was close to Cattleya and he felt the traces of bad tension between the two.

Finnley always thought that Jaxson and Cattleya were meant to be. That's why he treated Cattleya so well. He treated him like his closest sister. He likes her for him, and he believes that he has a great talent of identifying the good in people. So Finnley has the certainty that Cattleya is being genuine and he knows that she can take care of Jaxson. Just like what he always wanted to happen. He wants to find someone to take care of him, so he won't have to do it anymore and can finally mind his own life. But, even though he is one of the closest people to Jaxson, Finnley is still not aware of what Cattleya had seen inside his office.

The two walked together to the altar where the priest was waiting for them to bless them and lead the wedding.

Cattleya and Jaxson had only one thought while the wedding ceremony took place. That the wedding they arranged for and the agreement they signed are actually happening in front of many guests. And their willingness to stay together for a whole year is now their biggest hurdle.

As Loren watched from the back her best friend getting married, she couldn’t stop her tears from dripping on her cheeks.

She was interrupted as she heard Richard soft chuckles.

“So you are ugly crying as her best friend, huh?” He uttered. “Why aren’t you even Cattleya’s bride’s maid?”

Loren rolled her eyes to Richard.

“Don’t you wanna cry too because now that my best friend is getting married, you now have zero percent of chance?” She muttered with a teasing voice.

They were standing on the very back as the seats were already packed when they arrived, so other people couldn’t hear what they were talking about.

“What do you mean I lost a chance? Are you really serious about insisting that I like Cattleya?” Richard raised a brow as his eyes swung back to Cattleya. “I mean… You are not entirely wrong with that. She’s an amazing person.”

Loren gasped before letting out her shriek. “I knew it!” She followed with laughter. “So what, you’re planning that if this relationship would not work out, then… you are so ready to catch Cattleya? Is that it?”

Richard took a while to respond before returning his attention to Loren.

“I don’t even wanna wait for that. Loren.” He muttered in a shallow tone. “If only I can run through that aisle, grab her arm, and kidnap her from that Madrigal, I will. Just to be with her.”

“There is no way you are serious.” Loren calmly uttered with her eyes drawn back to Cattleya. “All I want is for Catt to have a happy ending.”

“Wedding is not the happy ending, unfortunately.” He replied with no trace of hesitation.

Instead of responding to Richard, Loren simply shook her head and shrugged her shoulders.

“Jaxson Madrigal, do you take Cattleya Santos for your lawful wife, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do you part?”

“I do.” Jaxson answered quickly while trying to find Cattleya's eyes that were still avoiding him.

“Cattleya Santos, do you take Jaxson for your lawful husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do you part?”

“Y-Yes... I do…” Cattleya answered under her breath as her chest heavily moved up and down because of the eccentric feeling that she was experiencing.

“Since it is your intention to enter into the covenant of Holy Matrimony, join your right hands, and declare your consent before God and his Church.” The priest uttered as the younger members of Jaxson's family slowly walked up to the stage with the ring they would both wear.

Cattleya's lips drew a bitter smile again as her eyes were fixed on the rings. This is what she always looks forward to. Choosing rings with his fiance for their wedding. But now, all she can do is wonder who picked the wedding rings.

Jaxson pulled one of the rings and gently reached for Cattleya's hand. She almost melted as if electricity flowed through her hands the moment Jaxson held it with a deep stare straight into her eyes.

“It's my parent's wedding ring. This is what they wore when they swore to each other to also stay together until death…” Jaxson muttered with a trace of bitterness on his lips. “I, Jaxson Madrigal, take you, Cattleya Santos, to be my wife. I promise to be true to you in good times and in bad, in sickness and in health. I will love you and honor you all the days of my life.”

Cattleya barely managed to make an expression on her face aside from a fake smile. She almost feels like being tortured in lies. Everything that revolves around her now is all a lie. It's very different from how Cattleya Santos, the virtuous woman, lived before.

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