
Chapter 47

“Hey, how many times do I have to tell you that you can call me Richard?”

I let out an awkward laugh because of what he said as my gaze slowly moved back and forth to Loren and Mr. Sol, trying to digest the situation.

An uncomfortable silence enveloped us for a moment.

I don’t think that it will ever be normal to me to call him by his first name. Besides, we are not that close either, considering that he is my manager and the owner of the club. Not to mention how I didn’t last for a year working under him. So, even if he tells me so many times to call him by his name, it seems like my lips couldn’t utter it because of the invisible wall between us.

However, him helping me and the very first person to approach me when he found out about my overdue bills and tuition fee is what I am really thankful for. He allowed me to get an advance payment to save my education so easily, which never happened to me with my previous bosses.

The ice broke in our midst because of Uncle Joe’s fake throat cleaning. Maybe because they also felt the unusually awkward situation surrounding us.

I have no idea why Loren brought our boss here. Seriously, Loren and Mr. Sol aren’t even that close either.

“Oh… now that your friends are here, then it’s our cue to go and give other people time to have a chat with the bride. Aren’t we?” Uncle Joe uttered with a soft chuckle. “While we wait outside, shouldn’t it be also the perfect time to meet the man you’ll marry? You know Catt, you’re already like a daughter to us. We can’t wait to see you finally walking down the aisle, looking at your future husband with a sweet smile on your lips.” He added before gently helping Aunt Marie and Linda walk out the door.

Mr. Sol cleared his throat to get my attention.

“So,” he said, “if it wasn’t because of your best friend, I probably wouldn’t know that you are getting married today. Like, damn? You were this secretive?” A sarcastic smirk flashes on his lips.

My eye caught the movement that Loren made on his lower lip that seemed to be fake crying.

“Uh– I’m so sorry to not inform or invite you sir. It's just that everything happened real fast that I couldn’t even think of finding the right time to go on DeepBlue and explain.” I averted my gaze as conscience ran on me, but still tried to see his reaction to my peripheral vision.

Actually, I came to realize that what I did was not right. He’s right. He is my boss and by giving me money before means that he is concerned about me so he has the right to be informed about this wedding.

My brow slowly raised as I caught a glimpse of him suppressing his laugh before finally letting it out, filling the room with his giggles.

“Anyway, where’s the lucky guy? It never really came to my mind that you got a boyfriend all this time. I thought you hate men.”

My eyes went to Loren with both of my brows raised.

Don’t tell me that this girl didn’t even mentioned to Mr. Sol who is this guy that I will marry.

I am pretty sure that he will recognize Jaxson’s face as they already met at the nightclub before. He even somehow stood for me that night.

“U-Uh…” I muttered. I couldn’t find the right words to say. “He’s uhm… outside? Or maybe in his room? I don’t know, really. I have no idea where that guy is.”

“That guy?” He repeated my words in a confused tone.

I let out an awkward laugh. “You know that beliefs where the bride and the groom must not see each other before the wedding because as they say, it will bring very bad luck. So, I have literally no idea where he is now, not until our wedding ceremony.” I tried to divert the topic after letting out another awkward laugh that could eat me alive. “Uh… Loren? This has been bothering me for hours now, could you please do me a favor and help me pick a color of the lipstick that will match on me? That would be a great help, seriously.”

I pulled her away from Mr. Sol as I tried to give her an eye signal. Loren slightly lost her balance, giggling. I want to pinch her cheeks to stop laughing because I don’t want our boss to notice my awkwardness.

“Hmm. Mr. Sol? As much as I want you to stay here and have a little chat, I really need to go and get ready by now. I don’t want to make everyone wait for so long just to see me in this dress walking on the aisle!” My voice raised as uneasiness crept on me.

Both his hands move up as if he’s surrendering to me.

“Well, alright. You really have to calm down, beautiful bride. I know you’re excited and your heart’s probably throbbing like hell today. But better composed yourself so you won’t puke in front of everyone. Ain’t that good advice?” Mr. Sol chuckled before sighing. “I guess I better see the groom instead and do a man check.” He uttered as he started walking backwards without removing his gaze on me.

I quickly shut the door as my former boss finally got out of the room.

I let out a deep sigh before averting my eyes to Loren who is currently giving me a very captious look with her arms crossed over her chest. “Oh, Catt. We both know that you can never hide your fiance from anyone. So, what’s the point of not telling it directly to Mr. Sol?”

I walked past her and sat on a chair in front of the vanity mirror. My hand crawled on the tissue box to get one and wiped my lips.

“I just am not comfortable blabbing it to him with my own tongue, Loren. Besides, no matter what I say he’ll still see Jaxson later, right? And for me, that would be a lot better if he sees him with his eyes rather than hearing it directly from me. I’m more comfortable that way...” I uttered. “No matter how many times I deny it or any defensive words that I’ll make out, I know deep inside me that I feel ashamed of him because I left the night club so suddenly without even saying anything to him. Or anyone in that club. Even just a simple goodbye… —And then after being gone for a while, the first thing they heard of me was that I am getting married. And to whom? To the famous Jaxson Madrigal! It’s crazy! You know it is.”

“Okay, okay! Relax… Hmm?” Loren voiced. “As your best friend, I will try to understand you. No matter… how weird… and uncanny your mind works.” She let out a loud series of sighs as she gently played with my hair. “Catt..? You know what? I have been thinking lately that Mr. Sol might have a crush on you. Don’t you think so?”

A soft giggle slipped out of my lips. It's a good thing that Isabella went out with the makeup artist for a while because otherwise they would have heard what this woman was saying.

“He’s just naturally a good guy, Loren. Nothing more on that. Mr. Sol is trying to be friendly to almost everyone, and not just me.” I said with a feebleness because I really think that she is being hilarious.

“Well, I don't think the same.”

Loren muttered that made my eyes roll to the air.

“Before you got into DeepBlue I was there ahead of you.” she added. “And I can tell straight into your eyes that he is no way that friendly. He barely even shows his face in the nightclub.”

My brows quickly frowned, perplexed by what she just said.

“What are you talking about? Mr. Sol goes to DeepBlue literally every single night!”

“Yeah, ever since you got hired.” she said with no hesitation. “That’s why I got this idea that he might like you.” Loren’s eyes flashed a wink at me in the mirror.

I answered her with a scrunch on my nose. Letting her know that I still don’t believe any words that she said.

“I know why Mr. Sol is always in DeepBlue. He is such a responsible owner even at his very young age. And maybe, one of the reasons why he monitors his club is just to make sure that his sacred business is running very well and the staff is doing a great job.”

“Ugh!” I took a glance at Loren as her eyes rolled up, having a seat beside me. “Do you really believe that a huge entrepreneur like him will go to his property every goddamn night just to make sure it’s not running out of money? Catt, Mr. Sol has more than ten DeepBlues in this whole county alone! And if you were him, would you really spend all of your time on a certain branch? If he really likes to monitor his business, and not someone, then he should be checking all of the DeepBlue branches he owns, don’t you think?”

“He's always in our branch because it's closer to his house. That’s why.” I averted my gaze away from her.

“Oh, come on. Why are you still in denial? It’s not like you are cheating on your second love at first sight, we’re just talking about how our manager has a hidden feeling for you. I should say, new manager. Because he wasn’t really a so-called manager not until you came. He was just a boss that was rarely seen not until a woman named Cattleya was hired. Then suddenly, he has to monitor the nightclub and staff so suddenly.” Loren giggled as she raised her brows to me, seemingly wanting to tease me. “Now tell me.”

“I… I don’t want to feel uncomfortable around Mr. Sol, Loren. So please, stop making issues that never even happen. Okay?”

“Oh please,” Loren answered. “It’s not like you’re still going to work as a bottle girl in the nightclub. I am pretty sure that you won’t have much of an interaction with Mr. Sol anymore. And also, it’s precise that our so-called manager will resign from his job and go back to where he really belongs because his favorite bottle girl is gone.”

Loren withdrew from her seat after taking one of the lipsticks on the table. She softly walks behind me, running her hands on my shoulder, as her eyes meet me in the mirror.

“Cattleya, your life is all brand new now. You are going to be married with the famous son of the entrepreneur and soon to be making a good family with him. You don't have to ever think about all the problems you used to have. You can now live comfortably and take a vacation anytime you want. How I wish it happened to me!” She chuckled. “I will absolutely make sure that I’ll look dazzling gorgeous every night I enter DeepBlue. I might meet my love at second sight there as well!”

She nonstop blabbered with a laugh.

I can’t help but to smile as I silently listen to her. How good life is to me that it gave me a very supportive friend like her that will love me no matter what happens. I am so lucky to have this person in my life.

“Imagine going back to the nightclub, right? Not as a bottle girl, but one of our big time customers. Remember to always choose me as your bottle girl, Catt. You have to promise me that!!”

I let out a giggle as I bobbed my head at her. “Of course!”

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