
Chapter 40

When Loren finally left, I was stricken dumb for a moment before I started to turn around and walk towards where Jaxson and Finn is waiting.

I did not utter a word and silently approached them and they intentionally quit their conversation when I was finally able to draw near them so I did not have a chance to hear what they were talking about. They look very serious and I am wondering what it is.

Jaxson's gaze just hovered over me before handing me the bouquet again without saying anything.

My lips parted as I was about to talk to him, but I was astounded when he turned his back to me and walked away straight into his car. My lips slowly shut down again, baffled at what just happened.

Is Jaxson mad at me?

But, shouldn't I be the one who resents him?

When he banged the door closed really loud without even saying anything, I just veered around my eyes to Finn with my mouth hanging open.

“Couples really have some quarrel before the wedding so make sure to still show up at your wedding tomorrow.” He let out a faint laugh.

I have a feeling that Finn was just trying to comfort me.

“What did you two talk about while I was with Loren?”

“Nothing. I also informed Jax that I have some things to explain to you about the contract so he knows that you will stay here with me for a few more minutes before I send you to the office for the wedding coordinator meeting.” Finn spoke out before taking a step ahead.

“Before we talk about Lance, is it true what you said earlier that modeling also makes a lot of money and all I have to do is take my pictures?” I asked as I followed in his footsteps.

As we were walking other people were staring at us. I hope they don't look at me and think that I'm here and another man is with me. I even noticed that Finn is also famous on friendsbuck and there is a possibility that he also has fans that can secretly take a photo of us and spreads online.

“Well, yeah. You look pretty good on camera. But you honestly have to work on your confidence and learn not to be camera shy. If you convince Jaxson about pursuing modeling, I can pull a string and contact a company that handles influencers right away and help you get it. I think it will be a great strategy to start off as an influencer first and build your confidence in front of the camera before you strive to become a professional model.”

“Okay, but why do I need to convince Jaxson? I can do it already if I really want to. I’ll give it a shot and try to talk to him to ask for the reason why he is acting like that to me and stopping me from doing this.” I spoke out with a whiff of irritation in the tone of my voice.

"You don't have to ask him why, Catt." Finn answered back.

“I was right. Wasn't I? All of those reactions were all because of his ex-fiance, Daniella.” I muttered as I began to lay down the flower again.

Finn and I entered a different place which is a cafe next to the restaurant we have dined at. This place serves sweets, pastries, and coffee.

“Somehow, it is.” He replied that it caught my attention. “But the major part is I think because of his mom.”

"What about his mother?" I raised a question while grabbing a seat without staving off my gape from Finn even though I didn’t have his attention and was instead on pies.

“Jaxson’s mother, Mrs. Ruella Madrigal was once a model when she was still living in this world. She wasn’t just a model actually, she was very popular. Let's say an icon in her time.” Finn hung back for a moment to speak to the staff who came upon us to pick up our orders.

"Only caramel macchiato for me, I am still full." I said.

When the woman finally walked away and fetched our order, I darted at Finn with big spherical eyes because of my curiosity about what he knew.

“Jaxson’s mother was a model, and so was Daniella. So why would he be upset if I try such a career too? It doesn't seem to be related—”

“He might be scared.” Finn sliced me off.

“Scared of what?” I quickly tossed him a question. “What should he be afraid of me being a model? Does he think that I don’t fit the model industry or what? And just scared that people will make fun of me, including his family?”

Finn's mouth shut down and unlocked a lot of times as if he was hesitating to say something so both my eyebrows rose along with my palms.

“I can't.” He voiced. “You are right. You better ask him yourself.”

My chest dropped as if disappointed because I didn’t get the answer to my question. The only information I got from Finn is that Jaxson’s mother was also a popular model like Daniella in today's world.

“So, shall we talk about his stepbrother Lance instead?” He added that I simply answered back with a nod.

I’ll make sure to ask Jaxson about this modeling case as soon as I get an opportunity to speak to him.

Though, I know it will be harder to get that chance because he appears to be ignoring me right now. Which, I don't get because I should be the one who must be upset.

"So, after I have asked my father last night, he told me that one thing he can always remember whenever he hears his name, it is the day that Lamce and his mother arrived at the Madrigal manor that night after Jaxson’s mother passed away. And he also mentioned about Lance’s hiding rage in his eyes”

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