
Chapter 39

“All of my documents and activities that I have to submit are already inside this envelope, Loren. I won't be able to go to university in the next few days, so you have to pass that to our professor for me.” I muttered softly to her as I handed the brown envelope that I was carrying. “I really wish to see you tomorrow at the wedding. You know I have no one but you… Charles and mom are away. So,” I look intently into her eyes trying to convince her.

I know that this is not a real wedding that is going to take place but still, I want someone that I care about to attend and be there for me. I already don't have a father to walk me down the aisle, but having a friend that I can lean on will be a great help.

Loren flashed a tiny smile on her lips before accepting the envelope with the papers that I am handing her.

“I will make sure to be there, Cattleya. I have no idea where this is going but I can sense that you need my absolute support and protection. So, if you are allowed to send me your address after getting married to that man, I will make sure to visit you from time to time like how I always do.” Loren said with a sweet smile on her lips before shifting her gaze to Jaxson and Finn who were standing and having a conversation not too far away from our stance. “Just make sure that there are no pests that are harmful to humans whenever I go there to where you will live from now on. I am going to see him tomorrow at the wedding precisely so I might have to go now and get ready to bring some earbuds for everybody.”

I couldn't help but to crack up softly because of how Loren looked at Finn with disgust and annoyance. The tone of her voice sounds as if she really despises him from head to toe.

“He’s a great guy. How many times do I have to enunciate that?” She rolled her eyes as if there was no chance for her to believe me. “Okay, maybe... He is acting weird for normal people like you, but you have also been taunting him all day, haven't you? He wasn't like that to me the first time we met. And one more thing, when you meet Finn again and really get to know him as a lawyer and not as what he is right now, you will be stunned!” The tone of my voice suddenly rises with excitement as if I am boasting about my son to other people and being a proud mother.

I chorale after realizing everything that I said. Loren just stares at me while also close to laughing.

I will miss these little moments with Loren where we just casually have a conversation and laugh at everything every lunch break or going home.

“Oh gosh!” she exclaimed with a tinge of grimace on her face. “I can’t imagine how his clients handle him and sit with him for hours. That man is very loud, rude, and has nothing but bad manners.” She faked vomiting as she gripped her neck.

I slapped her shoulders playfully as we both exchanged giggles.

“You’re being too much.” I uttered in the midst of a sneer.

Her eyes went down to the large paper bag that she was carrying before her eyes brought back to mine and gave me a delicate meaningful gape.

“I have to go now and go back to the university to attend a few classes left. And of course, I still have to get ready and go straight to Deep Blue after class. If you have some time, maybe you can pay us a visit in the nightclub. They don't even know you're getting married, already. Especially Manager Sol.” One of her eyebrows raised as she paused for a moment. “How long do you plan to keep it to him? Would you like me to tag him along tomorrow to your wedding? He will definitely be surprised to know. I could hardly believe that my best friend, who used to be a man hater, is now going to be married to a man. A handsome and rich man to be exact. How come you just disappeared for a while and then we'll just hear that you got a man?”

I shrugged slightly. "I do not know. If he wants to come, he can go. But, I was afraid of what he would think of me. He saw Jaxson at the club and heard everything he said to me. Manager Sol even stood up for me. So I'm afraid of what he'll think… You know what I mean.”

Loren feigned a gasp. “Who wouldn't be shocked and think of something? Even I couldn’t help but wonder, honestly. If I hadn't seen that man treat you like that today and show me that he really loves you, I wouldn't believe it and think that he offered you something just so you will marry her. But no, I saw how you two actually care for each other.”

I was silently suffocated because of what Loren just said so I averted my eyes off her and shifted to Jaxson with Finn, who was still talking in the distance. They looked serious about what they were talking about.

Does Loren really see that to him..?

Maybe, Jaxson is really good at pretending. Because even myself got fooled by his smiles and sometimes, I can’t help but wonder if he is still pretending or that what he is feeling in our relationship is true.

And because of those actions, sometimes, I lose myself.

“I will stop by Deep Blue every time I have nothing to do, Loren. I’ll make sure to be there when you’re on duty and to also have a chance to talk to Manager Sol as well.”

She gave me a slight nod before turning to see if there was already a car back to the university.

“You two really need to talk. I'm sure you will break his heart big time tomorrow.” She suppressed her laughs.

My eyebrows met as I lifted my lower lip. “What do you mean by that?”

“Nothing. Just… Don’t think about it!” Loren said before running away from me and starting to head to the car and quickly shoving her body inside without turning her back to face me.

I was left with a crumple on my forehead and dumbfounded. What does she mean by those words?

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