
Chapter 38

I can't think of any other reason but because Daniella is also a professional model. Does Jaxson not want me to have that kind of career just because it is already her career? I just don’t see any correlation to it. And Jaxson having something to say about what job I should have while staying married to him doesn’t sit right to me.

Their gazes shifted to me because of the word I just let out, but my eyes were focused on one certain person waiting for his answer.

Our gaze had been locked for a minute and there seemed to be no voice as if everyone in the table was muted as our eyes connected. I saw Loren’s forehead make a crease from the corner of my eyes. I know pretty well that she is wondering about the words I said. She doesn't know about the person that I am talking about. She doesn't know about Daniella.

“Are you acting like this because your ex-girlfriend is also a model?” I questioned him again as he did not respond to my question.

I seemed to feel a little furious because I didn’t like Jaxson’s control over me. I knew he was paying me and he would be my husband for a year but, nothing in the contract I signed gave him the right to interfere about the career I was going to take while staying in his place. If it relates to his plan and my purpose of being his wife, I will obey whatever he says and not take this modeling as an opportunity. But I don’t think this time, it still relates to that. This is just him, trying to put my life in his hand and take full control of it. Which is infuriating me.

He is lucky that Loren is sitting with us and can be here. Because if she's not here, I would have a lot to say about this matter and won't let Jaxson slip.

He did not let out any word and instead withdrew his eyes and shifted to his plate.

If he can't give me a solid reason why I should not take this offer from Finn, I am doing it regardless. After having lunch with them, Jaxson will return to Ruegold and I will have time to talk with Finn. Later I will ask him for more information about the job he enunciates. If he thinks that I can be a model and earn money from taking my photos, I think this is also best so that I can save money while staying as Jaxson’s wife.

I can't just give my whole year to Jaxson and entrust my one-year life, letting him give life to me. While my mother and Charles are away and I am certain that they are in great condition, I can focus on saving more money for us by pursuing a career without having to worry about going home and taking care of them.

Also, since I can only think of a job after graduating and not really a career yet that I am passionate to give my entire best, I guess it is worth a try and seeking my fascination this year.

All I need right now is to build up and practice my confidence. And I think Finn can help me because he also told me that he can make me popular in just a matter of months. If he’s true to his words, I can earn money before I even graduate while not having to worry about Charles ’treatment.

I will also find some time to have a talk with Jaxson with only the two of us alone. I really need his answer as to why he doesn't want me to continue this and what's his real justification and not just because it is already Daniella’s identity. Because if this is merely about her, I don't think that I will just follow Jaxson’s words and give up this opportunity.

I don’t see anything wrong about this job, all I can see is opportunity. And as Cattleya Santos who always seeks opportunities, I am grabbing them. I don’t know if this is going to be a good career for me, but all I can do is to keep going and see if this is going to bloom.

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