
Chapter 42

“Elsie, is Jax already up in his room?” Matienzo turned his attention to Elsie who was in charge of the helpers, obviously avoiding the conversation. 

“No, Mr. Madrigal, not yet.” She answered politely as she gently put down the hot tea cups on the table. “Jax is waiting for you outside and he is silently sitting on the stairs. Shall I take him up to his room?”

Matienzo shook his head which made Elsie scowl. 

“I- Uh… Honestly worried about Jax, Mr. Madrigal. He has been sitting outside for hours and doesn’t talk to anyone. He seems to be lost in his thoughts and I think Jax really needs to get some rest.” 

“I’ll be outside in a few minutes and send him to his room. Keep him safe.” Matienzo spoke very calmly.

Elsie just nodded as a response before she left the room.

“You have a son with another woman!?” Keegan was so shocked that he couldn't stop himself from screaming. “How did you manage to keep all of this to your wife, Ruella? Don’t you feel guilty of lying to her face? What was the reason you did all of this to her? How can you keep this up until her last breath?”

Matienzo turned to Keegan, blankly. His eyes are tacked on to him but his mind seems to be far away and seem to be not knowing what to do.

“— Your company is literally drowning, Matienzo. When this news broke the media, I was afraid that this would be the time for the Madrigal’s shut down. You and your family will go downfall. Why do you think people respect you so much? It is because of the image of you that you put in their heads. Now that they would hear about the CEO of the company and the well-respected businessman in the world that they think of as a great father and a husband is actually cheating on his wife for a very long time. And even worse, bringing a child of the mistress into this family after Ruella’s funeral. I don’t think it's very good news for everyone.”

Keegan slightly turned his back on Matienzo as his hand ran on his face while he leaned on the table. He’s loaded with rage and disappointment because of what he did.

“You think I haven't thought of that yet? That’s why I called you here. I want you to fix the issue and offer them whatever they want just to leave us and never show their face to anyone.”

Keegan’s lips split out as he stared at Matienzo, waiting for him to take back what he just let out. But there seems to be no chance because he seems to be serious about his decision.

“And what about your son to that lady, huh? What about Jax?” He asked. “Is he older than him?”

“Yes he does.” The young lady answered sharply with her brows still raised and the smirk on her lips lingers.

“So you have a successor all this time and it is not Jax? What do you think he would feel? This is absurd!”

They quickly turned away when the woman suddenly let out a laugh.

“Do you really think that you can get my son and me out of here? Now that we can finally show our faces in this house without the Angelic Ruella to see? Nah, I don’t think that can happen. I’m done with those offers. What I desire right now, is my son to be one of the carriers of the Madrigal name. Officially.”

Matienzo shook his head with gritted teeth as he glared at the lady resentfully. But she didn’t seem to be affected by it.

After being in silence for a moment, a loud trembling cry of a boy rang out outside that grabbed their attention.

“Aaaaahhh!!!” The voice could be heard in agony.

“Jax!?” Matienzo Madrigal yelled as he hurried out of the room, followed by the young lady with her son, and Keegan.

When they were finally outside, they caught Jaxson holding both his ears and shouting in scorn and misery . 

“Jax, what happened? What made you screech so loudly?” Matienzo asked as he knelt down in front of his son trying to see his face. His eyes are filled with worry and guilt as he gazes at him.

Jaxson’s eyes slowly looked up to his father as his tears streamed on his face before he turned around and quickly ran up the stairs.

“Jax! What happened?!” Matiezo’s voice reverberated across the living room. His eyes drew to the boy who was said to be his son before turning away to follow Jaxson.

When Keegan caught a glimpse of the boy’s face, there’s one thing he noticed. The envy in its eyes as he nibbled his lips. 

He also couldn’t help but to notice the strange grin on the lady’s lips as she rolled her eyes around the manor.

“Are you seeing this house, son? From now on, this is where we will be living. Your father’s support by financing us is no longer enough. We have waited for a very long time and we don’t deserve such treatment. Do you understand?” The lady talked to her son as she bent her body a bit to find his eyes. “Remember this Lance, you are a Madrigal. You belong here. We belong here. This is the life that we deserve. And being a Madrigal, you achieve anything you want in life. Because you have all the money for it. And now that we are here, no one in this world can ever stop us. No one.” She said emphatically without averting her gaze off her son.

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