
Chapter 43

15. 2007


“Jaxson, baby!” A young woman named Perry shouted as she approached the young Jaxson while carrying a large number of paper bags in her hands.

Keegan Campbell and Matienzo Madrigal were distracted by her shrill voice and the annoying sound coming from her heels stomping on the floor. 

Perry is one of Jaxson’s cousins and belongs to the pure blooded Madrigal side. She also resides in the manor.

Keegan and Matienzo get back to their conversation after Perry walks past them. 

“So, what I’m concluding here is that Mr. Yves offered you a huge help to save Ruegold at the moment, and in exchange for the largest share percentage of the company?” Keegan raised a question.

“Yes. He paid me a visit earlier today to have a conversation about his offer and I already accepted it. The only thing left is the paper signing.”

“I beg your pardon?” Keegan ejaculated. 

“Campbell, I have no other choice left and you know that. I was already lucky enough that Mr. Yves came to me for his offer. And if I did not agree with it then what else can I do to save my company..? Again.” Both his brows elevated, gaping directly at Keegan. The misery in his eyes can be traced as the edge of his eyes drooped.

Keegan couldn’t utter a word because this is the first time he has seen Matienzo lost in the dark and helpless. The last time he saw him like this was before Ruella saved his company.

“Hey, boy! Can you pass me that ball?”

Perry’s shrill voice snatched their attention. She is pointing at the young Lance who was standing on the side of the wall and seemed to be hiding while peeking on Jaxson.

“Go! Don’t you understand English? Pass- Me- The- Ball! Okay?!” She yelled as young Lance was still stiff and couldn’t make any move in his stance. “That’s all you can help in this house and you can’t even do it? Seriously. You should be thankful you’re not out there doing the laundry.”

Lance began to make little steps, walking towards the ball with his head pinned on the ground. When he picked it up with his tiny hands, Lance halted for a moment with his eyes staring at the ball. 

“Give it!” Perry shrieked again which seemed to bring Lance back to reality

He stroked it weakly, acting to remove the dust, before he slowly got up from the floor and walked quietly to Jaxson who was just watching him quietly.

“There! It’s not as hard as working for your place here, right? Now, go away from Jax and don’t touch his hand!” Perry uttered rudely as she gave him a disgusted glare.  

When Lance faintly took a step back to his place behind the walls, Perry shifted her full attention to her favorite cousin, Jax.

“Baby, I have everything that I know you would love. Here, you can take all the stuff I bought for you!” She said with a sweet smile as she fondly looked at the young Jaxson.

Keegan’s eye caught anger and pain in Lance’s eyes as his small fist clenched tight while staring at Jaxson and the gifts he received.

“I am too old for balls… don’t you think..?” Jaxson muttered in a low tone.

Ever since his mother left him in the world, the spirit of young Jaxson seemingly left too. His voice is noticeably weak everytime he speaks and he barely even smiles at people. 

But somehow, people in the manor, especially Matienzo, was relieved after hearing Jaxson speaking to people again after almost a year of meeting with the therapist. The doctor said that Jaxson’s condition was caused by depression and trauma.

“But— baby! Even my boyfriend Tom still plays with balls. He’s a basketball player, you know. Besides, you are a ten years old kid.” Perry pouted her lips as she playfully did a tantrum in front of Jaxson. “I even brought you more stuff. I got you some new shirts, a PS5 which the lady on the counter told me that guys are inlove with that game, and some Robots. But I guess… you don’t love that either… Because maybe you just don’t like me at all.” She said dramatically as she intentionally puppy eyed.


Perry nodded gladly after seeing Jaxson’s eyes finally lit up.

“Yes! I bought you one! I heard that it’s the newest collection and it’s actually pretty expensive since they told me it can walk and speak like a real human and—” She was cut off when Jaxson joyfully rushed to the paper bag that his cousin pointed to and took the big box containing a Robot. 

Matienzo stood up from his seat and walked towards Jaxson. “Do you like all the stuff your cousin Perry brought you?” He asked as he bent a bit to lift Jaxson in his arms. “You’re getting heavier, son. I’m afraid I can’t lift you any longer a few years from now.”

“Oh, please! Uncle! Don’t say that! Jax will forever be a baby boy!” Perry uttered in the midst of laughing.

Jaxson held the robot with a heartily smile on his lips.

“If only I knew that you would like robots. I should’ve bought everything they have there! Though I am a little scared of that waiter robot that talks. But don’t worry! I’ll take that home for you when I go shopping the next day.”

Jaxson beams with pleasure as he wraps his arm around Matienzo's neck and buried his head in his arm. “Thank you… Perry…” he muttered.

“Awww,” She touched her heart as her shoulders elevated.

While they are happily exchanging laughs, Keegan continues to watch the young Lance’s reaction to what he’s seeing. The envy and exasperation in his eyes were too intense to hide as he watched the young Jaxson getting all the love and things he wanted.

“Hey! Why are you still here!? Didn’t I already tell you to go away? Go!” Perry yelled, glaring intently at Lance. “Go and help Elsie prepare our dinner in the kitchen instead of wasting your time watching us! Shoo! Go!” He shooed the boy away as if he were a stray dog.  

As he walked away, Keegan could see the weight he was feeling in his heavy footsteps, which is why he couldn't help feeling sorry for the boy.




“Isn’t Lance also a victim of the situation..?”

“Honestly, that’s also the first thing that comes to my mind. However, I realized that Lance was only a victim of the situation when they were younger. And then do the rest to himself. Lance growing up with his mother on his side is like a killing potion being boiled, literally. Because his mother and himself turned him into evil.” Finn said while checking on his phone. 

“How can you say so? Don’t you think that Jaxson’s father and his family are being too insensitive for the young Lance? I mean, he’s a child too that needs his father’s attention. And, treating him like that was brutal—”

“There’s more you’re left to know, Catt. But today isn’t a good time.” My brows furrowed because of the words he let out.

“Why not?” I asked as my eyes drew outside to see if it was already dark because Finn seemed to be rushing and that we were engulfed in the story that we didn’t notice the time but that’s not really the situation because the sun is still up and it’s still so bright outside. “I haven’t yet received the call from our wedding coordinator. I still have time. Why don’t you tell me how Lance and Jaxson became friends and how things got messed up? You can’t just leave me with that.” 

Finnley gulped his drink and really rushed. “Catt, we can talk about it next time. I can even voicemail it to you later. But for now, if you really love me and you want to save my precious life, I have to take you back to him.” He said as he rose to his seat.

“I— I just don’t understand. Why are you in such a hurry? Is there someone that came here to assassinate you? So we have to go as quickly as we can? Because if you just want to drive me there, I don’t think Jax is already asking for me since you know, he’s kind of mad and there’s nothing to do in his office and—” I couldn’t continue what I was about to say when Finn stuffed a whole donut in my mouth to shut me.

“Just listen to me. I am saving my own career and my life.” He said sparingly before pulling my soul out of my body because of how hard he pulled my arm.

It was like in only five seconds we’re already inside his car.

“What’s wrong with you!?” I couldn’t help but to yell because of how he is acting. When Finn got inside the car, he immediately started it as he caught his breath. “Did Jaxson just tell you something for you to act like that?”

He nodded in response to my question as his eyes were merely focused on the road.

I let out a chuckle. “It’s not like Jax will actually kill you. You are being exage.”

“You don’t know what you’re saying.” He claimed. “You don’t know that guy.”

“Well, I’ll wait for your voicemail later. Okay?” Finn nodded. “What’s wrong with you?” I laughed because of his face. “One second we were rushing and now the car’s running real slow?”

“I’m just being careful.” He answered.

I just shook my head because of the over exaggeration he is doing.

“By the way, before I forgot, I still have this one thing to ask you. Last night, while we were having dinner outside, we met a child. And Jaxson acted really strange when he saw the kids. It was as if he was very stunned to see them and he didn't know what to do.” Finn was listening quietly as I continued, “Then, when we saw a boy later on, he seemed to be very protective over that kid and very helpful that he took care of the boy like his own. And, a moment happened that the parents came to fetch the child, so he suddenly became solemn again like someone took away something that he loves. — I’m guessing, that maybe, it’s because the baby that he so much anticipated and took care of turns out to not be his and for Lance.”

“That could be.” He uttered. “I haven’t had the experience of encountering a child while with Jaxson after everything that happened so I really have no idea. But, I’m thinking that what you said is right and your speculations are really what’s going on inside him. Jaxson was really looking forward to his life as a father and creating a real family with Daniella when he found out that she was pregnant. Now that he found out it’s not his and the excitement turned out to be a disappointment, it will really scare his heart like he was robbed.”

We were engulfed into silence and only a loud series of sighs could be heard.

“— But, Cattleya, really… I can see a little difference from Jaxson now. So whatever it is that you are doing, you’re doing a great job.”

“Wait,” My smiles gradually faded when I remembered something. “I left the flower!” I exclaimed.

“Oh, great.” Finn gruntled as he smacked the drive wheel. 

“I’m sorry.” I said quickly because I’m afraid that Finn would feel annoyed with me.

“Catt, we’re already too far from the cafe and it will be a long way to make a U-turn from here.”

“It’s okay, it’s okay. I’ll just let it go.” I muttered as I waved both my hands in front of him. “I’ll just explain to him that I didn’t notice I wasn’t carrying it and we’re already too far to get back. It’s cool. I have already taken photos with it.”


When we arrived at the Ruegold, Finn told me that couldn’t come inside because he still needed to go somewhere, so he just dropped me off in front of Jax’s company.

As I started stepping to walk, I was surprised when securities surrounded me like they do when Jaxson arrives. Gunther also showed his respect to me as he went directly to my side, escorting me inside the building.

This is the first time I experienced something like this. They are treating me the same way as they treat higher individuals like Jaxson. Even though I am not with them, they treat me the same. I feel accepted and treated right.

“Good afternoon, Ms. Cattleya!” An employee gladly greeted me which added to my surprise.

“Good afternoon to you too.” I replied with a genuine smile.

How did they know my name? Did Jaxson tell them about me?

I feel acknowledged and it feels really good to be seen. I never really want to be the center of attention, but now that the people are actually paying me respects, I can’t control the corners of my lips elevating.

As I finally got to Jaxson’s room, I halted in front of his door as I took a deep breath to compose myself. I know that this would be really uncomfortable because of what happened earlier. Jax might be really upset right now because of what I acted and that’s why Finn was really scared to face him.

My hand crawled to the door as I let out a deep sigh. When I built enough courage, I eventually twisted the door knob and pushed the door.

I gasped as my hand flew to my mouth when I saw Daniella and Jaxson inside the office, kissing. 

I wanted to turn around and run away from them but my feet couldn’t seem to move and stuck where I was standing.

My jaw dropped as Jaxson returned his kisses, running his hand on her back and deepening their kiss. He looks as if he has been in drought and really thirsty.

Doesn't he see me standing here? 

Oh right, he shouldn't care. 

When I finally regained myself from shock, I quickly closed back the door and left them. I want to run away but I don’t know where to go.

I can’t understand myself. I can’t understand what I am feeling. I don’t know why something is starting to clog my throat and warming my eyes.

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