
Chapter 34

“Do you remember that exact same day that you left his card in my hand? It’s also the day that I called him, and said that I am accepting his offer and that I am going out with him. I spoke to Loren discreetly out of fear that someone around could overhear us.

Fortunately, the professor had not yet arrived when I attended the third course, so I still had some time to explain to Loren what everyone was perplexed about and why things had moved so quickly for Jaxson and I.

I made a real effort earlier to ignore the students' whispers as soon as they spotted me entering this campus. I am aware that people are making fun of me because of the images that have gone viral online, but I kind of expected that before I came because the man I was holding hands with at the mall is not an easy person. It’s Jaxson Madrigal that almost everyone knows.

“Then, are you telling me that after going out with that stranger guy in the DeepBlue, he fell in love with you, offered you a marriage, and you got engaged?” Loren asked with a full astonishment and unbelievable tone and expression. “That literally makes no sense. I mean, it’s just that you’re not someone I know that will believe in love at first sight.”

I nodded at her softly and had a smile on my lips. “I thought so too, Loren. But, things just happened really fast.” I muttered. “I guess that’s just how destiny plays with us.”

Before I went here, Jaxson had already reminded me not to tell anyone about our deal. Even if it is a friend of mine.

I was already planning about explaining everything to Loren, because she is my friend and that I know no matter what she will always believe me and understand the decisions that I made. It somehow makes me feel guilty that I am lying to my best friend and I know that someday when she ever finds out the truth, she’ll get mad at me. But, I just really can’t tell her and not only because Jax told me not to, but also the fact that I don’t want to ruin his plans.

“As I have heard, that guy, Jaxson Madrigal, had a rumored girlfriend before the issue between the two of you sparked. I mean, you are marrying a man that you only met for just a few days. Are you sure that he loves you genuinely and you love him? Because, out of most people that I know, you are the least person who will do that. What exactly happened? ”

I let out a deep sigh. The more Loren asks me, the more I just get guilty that I am lying to my best friend. Someone who has been with me, and never leaves my side.

“I guess, it was love at… second sight?” I scratched my head with a feigned smile because of the nonsense words that slipped my mouth. “I don’t know Loren. Really. It’s just that Jaxson was very nice to me, he is so caring and loving. Most of all, he’s handsome, isn’t he? He’s a walking green flag, like how millennials say nowadays. I just can’t let him slip in my hands so I chose to marry him.” I stated, trying to make eye contact. “I just uhm… love him.”

Loren gape at me without saying anything. I can’t tell if I am already starting to convince her. But all I hope is that she stops asking me questions that I know, I’ll answer with nothing but lies.

“How about your mother and Charles? Aren’t you the only one who can take care of them? Now that you are getting married, who will be in charge of your family?”

I stared at Loren for a minute before I averted my gaze to her.

“T-They will be fine…” I whispered as I can’t look directly into her eyes.

“They will be fine?” Loren suddenly raised her voice to me. “What did I just hear you say? They will be fine? So, does that mean that you are abandoning them? You are being ridiculous.”

“What? No. I’m not abandoning them. They are not here so I can’t look after them.”

I heard Loren as she let out a faint gasp. “What do you mean they are not here? Where are they?”

“They are in another country for Charle’s surgery…” I uttered weakly.

I guess I can tell her about the fact that my mother and Charles are currently not in the country. I am afraid that after I lie to her, she will find my mother and see for herself. That would cause much worse if she ever finds out that I am lying to her.

“They are in another country. And how can you pay for their expenses? Aren’t you already struggling to get some money for your brother’s surgery? ” She continued asking.

I am not used to lying so a situation like this just makes my heart beat fast.

“It’s sponsored. By uhm… Jaxson’s company’s program.” I answered, trying to be confident so she won’t notice that I am a hundred percent lying.

“I see where this is going.” Loren muttered as she tried to find my eyes. “Cattleya, this is too much for you to-”

“Good afternoon!”

Loren was interrupted when our professor came in.

I let out a heavy sigh because I was feeling saved by the bell. I am relieved that the professor is here because I am worried that Loren will uncover my falsehoods.

I instantly raised an eyebrow when I saw that the professor had two men standing next to him and that He wasn't the only one who had entered the room. My mouth dropped to the floor and my eyes slowly grew wider seeing k Jaxson and Finn entering our room like some famous celebrities.

Jaxson had a huge bouquet of flowers in his hand, and Finn had a large white paper bag with a big white box inside. The brand name on the paper bag he was carrying, which was illuminated in large letters, is noticeable in this instance. That thing must be really expensive once again. I don't want to know because maybe next time I won't be able to afford it and I'll die at the exorbitant price. Jaxson overdid his acting attempt a little. For such cheesy things, we are no longer high school sweethearts.

“Good afternoon, students. Today we have a very special visitor. I expect almost all of you know both of them. Mr. Madrigal and Mr. Campbell. ”

I caught a peek of Jaxson's untamed smile when we had just locked eyes, so I quickly averted my gaze and continued to look at my classmates. Astonishment could be seen in some of their eyes, while others appeared to know the two men who are currently in front of us.

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