
Chapter 29

[Catt, you are all over the internet. And people are feasting in your name right now. Are you in your unit? I’m coming over after my duty here in DeepBlue.]

Ibinalik ko sa messages ang screen mula sa pagkakabukas ng isang article upang mag reply kay Lauren.

[I am not in the unit tonight.]

I clicked the send button as I began to type another message.

[I am going to university tomorrow so you don’t have to come over, Lauren. I’ll explain everything.]

“What are you doing?”

I shrieked when I heard Jaxson’s voice from behind me.

“What are you doing?!” I asked him back as I quickly moved away a bit because Jaxson was just right behind me and his chin was almost sticking to my shoulder.

“I'm just looking at what you're doing. Who are you talking to? I didn’t catch a glimpse of it.” He asked me as his eyes were on the laptop that rested on my thigh. “I bought this for you for your studies, why are you just talking to someone? Who is it?”

“H-Huh?” I asked him nervously even though I understood what it meant.

“Huh?” Jaxson parroted me. “I said, who’s the person you are talking to that you will be meeting tomorrow. Why? Is that your little secret that you can’t tell me?”

“Ahh,” I waved my hand at Jaxson. “It’s nothing. Didn't I tell you that I will go to the university tomorrow? It's just a friend of mine that I'll be meeting in university.” I tucked my lips as I slightly lied to Jaxson before returning my attention to the laptop and pretending to just be scrolling.

“What is that site?”

I turned to Jaxson with an unbelievable face. I waited for him to say that he was just kidding but his eyes were just pinned on the screen, seemingly confused.

“Are you serious? You have no idea what friendsbuck is? Don't you have any social media accounts?”

“No, I really don't. What was that for? Just to post my own photos online? I mean, other people have been taking my photos without my consent so I don't think I really need one.” Jaxson explained.

I let out a deep sigh. “That's why.” I said while shaking my head and making a sound with my tongue and palate.

“What?” Jaxson gave me baffled looks as his eyes followed my hand as I put down the laptop and then slightly faced him.

“That’s why you lack friends and communication. I mean, I’m not saying that everything in social media was real. But still, it’s a great way to make connections to people after meeting them in real life. Plus, you are hot and have so much potential. You look like some influencer who will just film themselves standing and getting millions of likes. You have no idea how much it will help you after being recognized more.”

Jaxson tilted his head, not understanding what I was telling him.

I held out my hand to him. “Can you let me borrow your phone?”

He immediately grabbed his pocket without hesitation and pulled out his phone. “Here,”

I quickly accepted it and I was surprised it didn’t even have passwords and anything.

“Is this new?” I asked as I turned his phone to look at its back.

Jaxson shook his head in response.

“Oh? Really? And it doesn't even have a passcode or any application installed?” It's not that I underestimate Jaxson, but it's just surprising that he doesn't have a social life or at least any online games on his phone that he can enjoy in his free time.

“I use my phone to receive calls. I don’t have anything to hide so what’s the use of passcodes anyway?”

“How about any photos? Do you literally have zero photos on your phone?”

As he rested his arm on his forehead, Jaxson's gaze lifted to me again that was quickly followed by a shake of his head. I didn't understand the looks he gave me so I frowned.

“Let’s install an app to your phone which is called, friendsbuck. I’ll create an account for you and search your friends to add, like Finn? So that you can communicate with them and share your daily status and some good photos.” I exclaimed gladly.

I hope Jaxson will like friendsbuck. Because, almost everyone has an account and he can finally meet some new friends he can hang out with. He mentioned how his life is in full cycle and he really seems like locked in a cave and gate kept for so many years. . I feel like now, I can help him even in small things.

“Attorney Campbell is my lawyer.”

My eyes couldn't help but stare at what he said. “Finn is your friend. He genuinely cares for you Jax. You know what? He’s been taking care of you whenever you're drunk! I mean, have you seen any lawyer do that to their clients? I think not.”

I strongly urge him that Finn is also one of his friends. This is also one of Jaxson’s mistakes. He most likely thinks of people as just plainly doing their job. When in fact, they really care for him. He must learn to appreciate what he already has and how to treasure them.

Jaxson didn't answer me anymore and just stared at his very high ceiling so I just turned my attention back to what I was doing.

“I’m really sure your admirers will love it when they find out you’re going to have an official friendsbuck account.” I tried grabbing his attention again. “Let me take a photo of you for your profile picture.”

I watched Jaxson as he used his shoulder to hide his face.

“This will be displayed in your profile picture. Don't be shy.” I tried to push him as I gently pulled his shoulders away from his face. “You have such a handsome face. It doesn’t deserve to be hidden. Come on!”

Jaxson slowly withdrew his arm from covering its face and shyly showed the side view of him.

I immediately took a picture of him before he changed his mind. Jaxson is seen in the picture looking up while lying on his bed and his hand resting on his forehead. He looks so natural here, but absolutely gorgeous. I mean, he hasn't prepared for it yet and I just got one take.

“That was so nice!” I gave him compliments that made Jaxson’s smile flash on his lips which I immediately captured with the camera. “Now, look here.”

Jaxson met my eyes as he turned to me.

I was taken aback for a moment when he stared into my eyes, with a smile on his lips.

I could almost hear the loud heartbeat thundering while Jaxson seemed to slow down. I can't understand this feeling ... Why is this?

“U-Uh…” I stammered. “I mean, look at the camera.”

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