
Chapter 30

“Okay, now. Photos like this are really popular these days. Like the person didn't come prepared but the shot was very nice and natural!”

I notice that the more I give compliments to Jaxson, the more he smiles and becomes confident in himself. So, I guess I should always come prepared to shower him lots of compliments.

“Alright, let’s complete your profile and we're ready to go!” I exclaimed as I waited for his profile photo to be uploaded.

“Can I see?” Jaxson asked as he slightly got up from the bed to look at the screen. “So, after the circle fills up. People will see my photo, right?”

I nodded to him in response then I handed him his phone so that he could press friendsbuck by himself and so that he could learn how to use it as well.

“There,” I muttered. “Your photo will now be visible for the public and I hope they won’t speculate it as another fan account. That photo I uploaded was exclusive!”

“Yeah. Where can they find a photo of me lying in bed with a slightly unbuttoned shirt?” Jaxson said airily. “Well, what do we need to do next?”

A smile drew to my lips as I noticed that Jaxson seemed to be slowly getting interested.

“Let's add friends!” I’m the one pressing the phone even though Jaxson was holding it. And he in turn was just watching me and maybe also learning how to use this app because he looks so focused. “Let's start by sending a friend request to Finn.”


Jaxson quickly grabbed my attention when he pulled the phone away from me.

“— Cattleya, What did you just say? I am going to request him so that we can be friends?”

My eyes can't help but just roll up at the words he uttered and the tone he used.

He's acting like Finn is someone who has a contagious disease that if ever they become friends, he’ll get an allergic reaction.

“And, why do you keep on calling my lawyer by his alias? You two aren’t even-”

“We are friends, Jax. That's why I call him Finn and not Attorney Campbell.” I slash him off. “We became friends just last night when you’re wasted and both of us took care of you. He even carried you from the car up to your room.Come one, Jax. Send him a friend request-”

What I was saying was interrupted when the door suddenly rang. It both caught our attention, so Haxson unhurriedly stood up from lying to bed and walked to the door carrying his phone in his hand.

I couldn't stop my lower lip from curving into a pout when I saw that Jaxson had already slid his phone back into his pocket.

Did Finn do something wrong to him that he hasn't yet told me, that is giving him a hindrance to be considered by Jaxson as his friend? Because if I'm going to be asked, I really think that they are already friends.

It seems that a one-sided friendship is more dreadful than a romantic relationship.

I decided to also get up from the bed where we were both lying and follow Jaxson to also see who is outside the door because it was too late at night for someone to look for us.

“Mr. Madrigal.” Gunther greeted him with a bow through the screen.“Mr. Nolan Yves is waiting for you in the headquarters downstairs. He asked me to bring you down immediately for an urgent meeting.”

An urgent meeting?

But isn't it too late for him to still do his job?

When Jaxson heard the words from Gunther, he quickly went to the sofa and picked up his coat that was left here. He quickly adjusted the button of his shirt as well as his hair which was a little messy from laying earlier on the bed.

“Wait, Jax. Are you really going to that meeting? You haven't even taken a rest yet. Are you sure you're okay?”

After fixing himself, Jaxson drew his eyes to face me. “I must go. It’s Daniella’s father, and one of the biggest stakeholders of Ruegold.”

I was speechless after hearing Daniella’s name.

I watched Jaxson move toward me and slid his hand in his pocket. I was a bit surprised when he took out his phone again and lende it to me.

“Send Mr. Campbell a friend request for me.”

My face lit up because of what I heard.

“—But make sure to add yours first.” Jaxson simply uttered before leaving me in his room, with his phone in my hand.

After he left the room, I went back to bed with Jaxson's phone that he entrusted to me.

“Will Finn be happy when he receives the friend request?” I said to myself as the smiles on my lips continued to widen. “But, is it okay for me to add a friend to Finn? I mean, wouldn't it be better if Jaxson did that instead?”

I wandered on the empty space as I thought of what to do.

It would have been better if Jaxson had actually done it. It's just, maybe he's too busy for this kind of thing. Nevertheless, I think the most important thing Is that Jaxson insisted that he wanted to give Jaxson a friend request and he just wanted me to do it for him.

That still means that Jaxson meant to do it for Finn. Because maybe, he really has a soft spot for him.

I proceeded to search my name on the tab first as Jaxson requested. It was very obvious that he didn't have many friends because the only people on his mind were Finn and I.

“Oh…” I murmured to myself. “Does this mean that Jaxson considered me as his friend?

Why does it feel so validating? It just makes me happy how he somehow appreciates my existence.

After adding a friend request to my account using Jaxson’s, I accepted it immediately on my end using the laptop where I am also online. After doing so, I immediately sent a request to Finn's because I couldn't wait any longer.

How would he react? It may look like I am even more excited than him.

Jaxson’s phone has been ringing since earlier due to a series of notifications for his photo and friend requests.

I thought they would mistake this for another fan account. But maybe it's because of the exclusive photo that I just took and have, it has been proven that this is Jaxson's official account.

I know that Jaxson won't manage it and it's not like he will voluntarily take a picture of himself and upload it to friendsbuck, so I'll just do it and take the stolen pictures of him. I‘m confident that he will still look good with those. I will also post on social media because Jaxson still doesn't have enough time to finish his work.

Suddenly a giggle slipped from my lips. “I'm acting like his momager.”

My thoughts were interrupted when suddenly, Jaxson’s phone rang for a call.

As soon as I read the name that flashed on the screen, my eyebrows crashed.

“BuildBaby?” I read in a whisper on the screen.

I waited for almost a minute and the number of calls rang out before I decided to just answer this call.

“Hello?” I was nervous calling the other line because the name is just so confusing to me. “Sorry, Jaxson is not here right now. He’s currently on their meeting, and I don’t know what time he will come back to answer the-”

“It’s okay ma’am. I can talk to you instead. Since you’re Mr. Madrigal’s fiance, then we have nothing to worry about. ” The woman on the other line gladly uttered, and I immediately returned the smile because of her polite tone of speech. “So, I called to get additional information of when do you guys prefer for us to deliver the supplies that you guys ordered personally in our shop, BuildBaby.”

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