
Chapter 32

“Build Baby ..? We went there? ” I asked as I can’t remember that Jaxson and I went there earlier and why would we shop for baby supplies?

“Yes, Ms. Daniella. You dropped by our shop about a week ago and shopped for your baby. The baby supplies are now packed well and are ready to be shipped. The only information we need to get is the delivery date that you prefer. It can happen either before or after you give birth. ”

"Ms. Daniella ...?" I muttered aloud with a tone of disbelief.

“Yes, Ms. Is there any problem? ”

“Did Jaxson also come to shop for baby products?” I said emphatically while waiting for the answer of the woman I was talking to on the other line. It seemed like she was surprised because of the sounds I was hearing on her end.

“Yes, Ms. Daniella. You came with Mr. Madrigal to shop for your baby supplies together. ” This answer hesitates me. “Is there something wrong Ms? You seem to be having difficulty remembering what happened just a week ago. ”

“This is not Daniella. It’s Cattleya ”I told her to be clear that she’s not talking to the right person. “I’m going to let Jaxson know that you called. Thanks. ”

I immediately turned off the call and didn't wait for him to say anything.

I don’t know what I should feel right now. Anger, imis, sadness, and pity come together to the point that I am getting confused with my own emotion.

I laid Jaxson's phone on the bed and then slowly rested my body. It has been such a very long day for me and in a short time it was as if I was being rolled around on a roller coaster where I had no control over how it would go.

I don't know if I should tell Jaxson about the call I received, because it might only make him even more confused now that he is trying to battle his emotions. That's why maybe he changes his mood so badly every time there are children that we encounter. Maybe, he was already excited to see what he thought was his son, but then in the end it is owned by a different father. This call just shows me how much Jaxson anticipated and expected for their baby because he even went shopping for his son.

I just really don’t get it how Daniella fooled him right in front of his face, lying to him that he was the father and even giving him hopes by making plans together with him. She is beyond cruel for doing that. Daniella has a lot of time to reflect on how bad she is doing, and yet she continues to fool Jaxson.

I felt that my eyelids were getting heavier so I rested my eyes and finally could rest and sleep first because I am sure that tomorrow will also be such a long day for me.



“What are these !?” Nolan Yves, Daniella's father, shouted at Jaxson as soon as he entered the headquarters.

Jaxson's gaze dropped to a brown envelope that Nolan Yves had slapped on the table. He calmly walked closer to it, without any traces of emotion on his face. He pulled his wrapped hand out of his pocket and then picked up the envelope and opened its contents.

Nolan Yves puts his arm on the table while one is on his beard, scratching ut, showing how stressed he is and what’s happening.

When Jaxson opened the envelope, he was exposed to the contents of a pile of photos of the two of them and Cattleya at the Escape Palace and it also included photos of them holding hands and laughing. They look so sweet in the pictures and seemingly like a new couple.

"It's pictures of my fiance and I, sir." Jaxson said softly as he raised his eyes to Nolan Yves.

His eyes widened as his eyes twitched in shock.

“WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY !?” His loud voice resounded across the room but Jaxson remained calm.

Nolan Yves drew the pictures closer to him and he pointed emphatically at Cattleya's face in the photo.

“That woman! Do you really think that you can fool me? That doesn’t look anything like my daughter! You are going to have Daniella's child. How can you do this to my daughter ?! ”

Jaxson didn’t even flinch when Nolan Yves walked to him fiercely and grabbed the collar on his neck, ready to punch his face as his fist was already raised in the air.

“Shouldn’t you be asking that to Daniella?” Both of his brows are raised as his lips hang open, looking like he is not guilty to anything.

“Daniella? Now you call my daughter Daniella? How long have you been cheating on her and your child, huh? ” He grunted as he clenched his fist even tighter that his nail had almost sunk into his palm. “You stupid little scumbag! I entrusted my son to you and now this is the only thing you will repay to our family? After I helped your company almost collapse and rot several years ago! I should have just left him to Lance! ”

Jaxson’s jaw sharpened as his fist also began to tighten. He grabbed Nolan Yves ’collar and pulled it upwards, flashing range in his eyes. Jaxson's father entered the room just in time so it stopped.

“Jax! What the hell are you doing !? ” It opened loudly and immediately ran towards them and tried to stop it.

Jaxson violently released his grip on Daniella's father's collar and caused it to slightly lose balance.

“What is going on here? Your loud shouts could be heard even outside. ” Jaxson's father shouted angrily as he caught his breath as he hurried to enter after hearing a loud fight in the room. "Jax, what happened?"

Jaxson loosened his necktie as his head tilted a bit, moving his jaws as if trying to unlock it. He again approached towards the photographs and then picked them up to show to his father.

“Mr. Yves came here to show me this. It’s the pictures of my fiance, Cattleya, and I. ” He said and glanced slightly at Nolan Yves, emphasizing Cattleya’s name.

One by one Matienzo Madrigal, Jaxson's father, looked at the photos of the man with a frown on his forehead.

"I don't see any problem here." sparing this thread that dropped the jaws of Nolan Yves.

“You don’t see anything wrong about your son cheating on my daughter in front of my face ?!” its tone of speech is still high.

“Jax is not cheating on Daniella. They already broke up. ”

“Split up? Aren’t they supposed to get married and have a child? ” its confused question as his eyes were naughty and did not know where to look.

“The baby inside Daniella’s womb ...” Jaxson muttered as his eyes fell on the floor. “It’s not my son. It’s Lance’s. ”

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