
Chapter 27

“Hey, you'll end up harming your throat if you do that. Bottoms up, this isn't an alcoholic beverage to swallow all at once-” I was interrupted by knocks on the window.

I saw a little boy as I turned my head on my left side. The baby girl we met earlier was exactly the same age as this one. Why are we being targeted by children today?

When the boy gestured as if begging for food, and rubbing his stomach, my heart was broken into pieces. I shifted my gaze to Jaxson to see his reaction, but he was just staring straight back at the child. I couldn't tell what was on his mind, so I just waited for him to do anything.

I searched for any food on the table and found a piece of burger that I haven’t touched yet. I took it in my hands and began to rise from my seat, wanting to give it to the little boy through the back door.

Jaxson surprised me when he stood up and began to walk straight to the back door near us because there's also an exit here that is closer to the boy outside. 

“Hey,” Jaxson muttered softly to the child. “Where are your parents?”

When I got to where they were standing, I quickly handed the food I was holding to the boy, at the same time as Jaxson knelt in front of it so that their eyes would be equal.

“Why are you so filthy?” Jaxson asked, dabbing himself as if searching for something, and taking out a clean towel. He wipes the lubricant and dirt off the boy's face with it. “You should've gone home by now. It's too late at night, and staying out here alone is too dangerous for someone like you.”

Hearing Jaxson's soothing tone as he spoke to the child was reassuring. He seemed to soften as soon as he saw the boy and its heartbreaking appearance. He has such a tiny body but an abnormally huge stomach. The boy's clothes were ripped and soiled. He was probably only five or six years old, and far too young to be alone on the road, struggling to find his own food. It crushes my heart to see children suffer so badly at such a young age. It should be their parent's obligation to take care of them as they were the ones who brought them into this world. 

"Can you tell me where your house is? So we can drop you off after you finish your dinner.” Jaxson asked, and my heart almost sank because I think he genuinely has no idea that this child is homeless and lives on the street, lacking food at such a young age.

In response to Jaxson's question, the boy shrugged his shoulders.

“What do you mean?” he questioned the boy once more.

“Jax, he doesn't have a place to live. This child lives on the street.” I explained to him because the boy seemed to be silent and his eyes were just fixed on him.

"How come he doesn't have a home? Then, that means that this boy sleeps in the street?” Jaxson rose after wiping the boy's face.

I responded by nodding. “That's how it is. Let's take him inside for some food. It looks like this boy hasn't eaten yet.”

He redirected his eyes to the homeless boy, and I shifted my gaze to the bag I had left in our seat. I caught people photographing us with the child. All of their phones are pointing at us.

Jaxson was not lying when he said that everyone would be watching our every move.

“Let's go and we'll take you inside to eat,” Jaxson uttered in a hushed tone as he shoved his hand inside the boy's little fingers. “Come on, Cattleya.”

I followed them inside after I picked up the boy's belongings because I knew it was important to him. It was a drum made of milk cans, a cloth made from a sack of flour, and some rubber. It also has revenue envelopes that are crumpled and seem to be not the same design as well.

I feel sorry for the boy again who at a young age is already in this situation, instead of him just playing and at school. This is why I want to work hard for Charles and mom because I don’t want us to end up that there would be nothing for us. Clothes, home, food, water, and human basic needs. I don’t want to reach that point.

“You can sit here,” Jaxson said softly as he gently lifted the boy and sat him in a chair next to his.

I just watched Jaxson take care of the boy while I put the boy's belongings in the seat next to me.

“I will order food for the little boy as you take care of him,” I said to Jaxson who in turn nodded at me.

Jaxson's grip on the infant resembles that of an eggshell. He holds it so delicately that it looks like the child's body will be crushed at any minute.

I left them in the chair and began lining up. Fortunately, there weren't as many people as there had been when Jaxson and I had lined up earlier. Maybe it's because some people are now starting to get home.

While waiting in line, I couldn't help but look over at Jaxson, who was enthusiastically socializing with the kid.

He looks so soft with the child. I don’t know what’s running in Jaxson’s mind right now because he really seems to adore the child, the way he looks into his eyes.

As I wait for the order, I watch Jaxson get another tissue and wet it with water. He used to clean the boy’s hands. I just really can’t help but notice how fond he is of the boy and almost acting like it is his child.

“Cattleya, are you already tired?” Jaxson asked me suddenly which made my brows furrowed in confusion.

“I’m not that tired yet. Why did you ask?”

“After he finishes his food, let’s take this boy to an apparel store and buy him some new clothes to change before we go straight home. Or, we can even drive him to where he is staying.”

I simply nodded at him as I proceeded to eat my dinner, which had begun to become cold. I'm thrilled to be with Jaxson if this is what he wants. Also, even if it is only for a brief while, I am glad to help and make this child happy. Jaxson also seemed to be enthused about doing that for the child, which makes me chuffed. I'm no longer astonished by his generosity because it's in his nature.

While we were eating, I noticed Jaxson patting the boy's head while they were eating, which you would really think they are father and son.

When they were about to finish eating and I was done, I took my bag to go to the restroom for a while and fix my face and hair so that I was still presentable because we had something else more to go.

I was surprised to see Jaxson waiting for me when I came out of the restroom, and he appeared to be getting ready to leave as well.

“Hey, where did you leave the boy?” I asked, scanning the area to find where it had gone.

“He was already taken by his own father,” Jaxson babbled in a low tone that seemed so different from his earlier tone. “Let's go.”

“Wait, what just happened?”

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