

Veronica tried to hold back her tears. She couldn't cry in front of Bianca. Honestly, Veronica felt so sorry for her friend, who was facing such a heavy and difficult trial at such a young age. It was a challenge that not even stronger women might be able to endure.

"Just let it out, Bianca. It will ease your heart," Veronica said, gently stroking Bianca's hair to help her feel a bit calmer.

"I can't, Veronica. I'm willing only in words. You know, I actually canceled my plan, Veronica. But Gerald told his parents about it, including my plan to have him marry again." Bianca began to cry, releasing all the pent-up emotions onto Veronica's lap.

"Bianca, I'm sorry. I'm not trying to defend your husband, but I'm not sure he could hurt you like this."

Bianca was startled. "What do you mean, Veronica?"

"You know, Bianca, a few days ago, your husband came to the hospital. He was so frustrated with your decision to have him marry Yuna."

"Hold on a minute!" Bianca wiped her tears away.

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