
An unsettling feeling

Roman's POV

"It's good to see that you've finally accepted defeat. You will never be able to beat me, Sofie. Not in this life or the next. You will always be a wretched lowlife."

That was the reel of insults I woke up to.

I slowly blinked my eyes open, only for me to see the strange woman–Sofie kneeling on the floor with her hands clasped to her chest as she wept.

"You better go back to wherever your stupid self came from, because you are not, and will never be needed here." The voice from earlier said again.

I knew who that voice belonged to.

I would always be able to decipher that obnoxiously loud and chirpy voice even in a room filled with thousands of women.

Lana. A voice in my mind unhelpfully supplied as she finally came within my vision.

"Looks like he's starting to wake up." She said, leaning over to stroke my forehead.

Sofie also stood up and stood on the other side of the bed, watching me silently.

"What are you doing here, Lana?" I asked, as she smiled down at me.

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