
Despondency and zeal

Roman’s POV

I gazed at the closed door with my mouth gaped in a mixture of shock, confusion and devastation.

I racked through my memory to figure out whether I had unknowingly said something wrong to Sofie.

But I couldn't place a finger on one wrong thing that I had said.

Something must have happened for her to have suddenly brought up the issue of the contract termination letter out of nowhere.

I sighed as i inwardly debated within myself on whether to ring the doorbell again or not.

Eventually, I settled on the latter option because I didn't want to further ruin our relationship, so I just dejectedly walked back to the car.

Nathan darted me a scrutinizing stare, as I approached the car.

Thankfully, he noticed my melancholic demeanor, and he didn't bother to utter a word to me, as he opened the back door of the car.

"We're heading to my grandmother's place." I revealed, as he swerved the car away from the apartment complex.

I threw the apartment building a final, wistful l

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