
The talk

Sofie’s POV

I walked into the house, with a tired sigh escaping my lips as I nodded a greeting to Antonio and the maids.

I had gone out to put some things related to the continuation of my studies in place, but I still hadn't told Roman about my educational plans yet because I was slightly scared that he'd be against it.

Although, something within me knew Roman wasn’t like that.

Glancing at the time on my phone screen, I discovered that it was quite late in the evening and I'd been out for a longer period than I expected.

Roman should have been back from the company by now because he usually arrived home by exactly some minutes to six in the evening, and currently, the time was ten minutes to seven.

He had also not sent me a message to inform me that he'd come home late from work that day.

Well, it wasn't like I had the right to know of his whereabouts anyway, I was just a pawn in his game of pretense.

A pawn who he knew would always be at his beck, and call whenever he needed a hole
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