

Sofie's POV

As Nathan and I walked through the crowded hallway to the car, I felt innumerable pairs of eyes fixed on me with various mumblings of incoherent words trailing after me.

I clutched my hands into fists as I willed my legs, which had suddenly become as heavy as lead to carry me to the car. The nervousness and trepidation sizzling within me at that moment was inexplicable.

Momentarily, I turned back as my heart tinged with fear for the umpteenth time since I had walked out of the chancellor's office that day.

God, I just hoped the man didn't feed Roman lies about me or worse still, Roman wasn't doing anything mortifying to the man.

I mean I knew he totally deserved all the horrible things in life for forcing himself on me, but I knew I wouldn't be able to live with myself or with the gruesome thought that Roman really did something horrible to him.

Calm down, Sofie. You are probably overthinking everything, it's not like he knows Cornelius is the molester, so why are you worr
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