
What is wrong with me?

Sofie's POV

I groaned as I felt the strange yet agonizing tug at the pit of my belly. It felt as if someone was punching the inside of my stomach, and a battalion of soldier ants were also nipping and chewing on my guts.

I wondered what the cause of this terrible stomach ache could be as I rolled over to the other side of the bed, which was thankfully vacant, as Roman had left for work earlier that morning.

"Oh, fuck!" I grunted, feeling something bitter and heavy clog my throat as I laid on my belly while inhaling lungfuls of cold air to calm my raging system.

Could it be something I ate? I thought, caressing my belly but touching my stomach only made everything worse as bile hitched my throat, and almost forced itself out of my mouth, on the bed.

With immediate speed, I dragged myself out of bed to the bathroom and emptied my guts into the toilet bowl.

The more I puked, the more the ache intensified, and it badly scared me because I had never gotten that sort of horrible stomach ach
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