


The day went by like a blur, with me getting only a wink of a nap before Grace came knocking on my door. When I got out of bed groggily, I looked out through the window and saw that the sky had gone really dark, making me know that it was time.

Time to get ready for the damn party.

I walked with a slump in my shoulders to the door and let a smiling Grace in. In her hands, she held a small jewelry box that had me wondering why she brought it.

"Good evening, dear," Grace greeted. "I can see you're still groggy, we need to fix that up."

Of course I am! I'm about to attend a party filled with snobby rich people, and also going to let the whole world know that I'm married to Luca Nicholas.

I refrained from saying that and instead decided to focus on just getting ready. There was no going back, so I might as well just put in effort to make sure I don't look like a dweeb infront of all those wealthy people.

With some help from Grace, I finally got into the dress and once
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