


I sat at the conference table, surrounded by my shareholders. The mood was tense our sales figures had been declining for the past few months, and we needed to come up with a solution. I looked around the table at the faces of my colleagues, all of whom were staring at me expectantly. It was up to me to find a way to turn things around.

"Alright," I began, taking a deep breath. "We all know what's going on, there's nothing to hide from the board members. And, we Al know the reason for this meeting. So, I guess we should all be talking by now."

"Our sales have been falling for the past few months," John, one of my shareholders started. "We need to do something to turn things around, and fast."

"I agree," Susan, another shareholder agreed with John.

She turned to look at John, other shareholders, then me, before she continued.

"We need to find a way to increase our sales. What are our options?"

"There are a few things we can do," I said, taking charge of the conve
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