

Jaxon couldn’t concentrate on the meeting he had with his employees the next day as kept thinking about what she had said.


“I’m pregnant,”

“You’re preg…wait what?”

“I’m pregnant,”

She stared at him showing no signs that she was playing and he became flustered.

“W-what do you mean you’re pregnant, when did you become pregnant, how did you become…., Oh I’m sorry, I…I’m just,”

“It’s fine, I understand that you’re just as shocked as I am and I’m sorry for coming in between you and Erin with this, I didn’t plan for this to happen and I’m sorry too, I…uhn…”

She tucked her hair which was all over her face and walked out.


But she didn’t stop.

She picked up her bag which was in the dining and apologized to everyone, “I’m sorry but I’ll be going now, see you later,”

She left.

“What is wrong Jaxon, I thought she was okay?”

“Yeah me too…I guess not…”

He sat down sighing.

*End of flashback*

“Mr. Jaxon?”


He looked up as the manager of the tech department called him and he
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jean narain
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