
Chapter 55


I hit the floor with a loud thump and banged my head on the stool I had been sitting on momentarily clearing my head. Damn! Damn!! Damn!!! I frantically searched for my phone in my pocket and speed dialed Rufus, sharing my location with him, then I blacked out.

I woke up the next morning in my bed with a terrible hangover. I rushed to the bathroom and vomited twice, my head banging with unbearable migraine.

I had made a complete fool of myself last night. I swore to myself that I would never touch another bottle again. My memory was foggy but I remembered clearly that I had thought Emily was Flora. Ugh! How had that managed to happen? But a light bulb suddenly went up in my head! Yes, I had mistaken Emily for Flora but in my drunken state, I had had the willpower to refuse Flora! That was a win.

I quickly took a shower and popped two aspirins to make the headache go away. I needed to return to the country. So much for morning’s first light.

I resolved to go back and make
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