
Chapter 39


I trudged wearily through the corridors of the palace, my muscles protesting with every step. Training sessions had left me exhausted, my body screaming for rest. Elliana and Raya flanked me, their voices a low murmur as they chattered about the latest gossip circulating among the omegas. I half-listened, too drained to fully engage.

The palace hummed with activity, anticipation thick in the air. The impending coronation loomed over us like a storm cloud, casting a shadow over every corner. I hadn't seen my uncle since morning, his absence noticeable but not unwelcome. He was likely preoccupied with preparations, leaving me to my own devices. Fine by me.

Lucius had been conspicuously absent from my training sessions lately, a fact for which I was grateful. I relished the reprieve from his oppressive presence, though I knew it wouldn't last. He was always lurking, always watching, his motives as inscrutable as ever. I wouldn't let my guard down around him, not for a second.
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