
Chapter 125 | Extinct


Everything was feeling normal. Lying against Silas’s shoulder reminded me of our first and so far, only date.

Things felt so complicated then…little did I know how crazy things would truly get.

I think about that kiss we had where I straddled him. I wanted to kill my wolf for being so forward. I never would’ve thought that she actually knew what she was doing.

Now I’m tempted to be like her. I want to feel close to him. And these sparks with him although kind of scary are also reassuring and calming. It reminded me that I’m meant to be with him just like he’s meant to be with me. It reminds me of the fact that I’m not alone in this world anymore.

I take a breath as I try to collect my courage but before I can react on it, I hear a noise in the distance. My eyebrows furrow in confusion as I sit up moving away from Silas. He asks, “Lux, are you okay?”


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