

[A Ray Of Sunshine But In The Dark. Are We There Yet]


"Dad's? Man, I have a huge problem with that word. It makes me sick!"


"Yeah? Me too! Actually, I hate those that carry it!"

— Soft chuckles! "At least there's one thing we have in common!" Travis said through his clenched teeth. His eyes, as usual, were looking at the sky — thither where the blazing midday sun shone beautifully, bathing the buildings nearby in its excruciating warm light.

The roads were shimmering in the heat of the sun — not too much but just perfect for the two boys to enjoy the light breeze that was criminally tickling their cheeks, at the same time helping them blow away the aura of grey that had been enveloping their heads since the last few hours.

The two boys; Travis and David were laughing as if nothing had taken place. They ambled across the pavement that was cluttered by dead, colourful leaves that were beautifully smoothed out by thousands of feet that had stepped on them countless times. Steadi
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