
Chapter 4


When my mother died, a part of me died with her, I think, even though I didn’t know her then. But then, I felt all kinds of emotions that were not positive or good for someone my age.

Every part of it. Because of my father. He sure did his best to remind me that I was her killer.

From anger, to brokenness, to pain down to neglect from the one and only person meant to protect my little heart, and love me regardless of their own pain.

I mean, that is what adults do, right? They love their children regardless of the pain they are passing through.

Not this one, not my father.

And the worst part, it was that I understood to some extent why he was acting like that. And I didn’t want to blame him but I did.

It couldn’t have been my fault she died, could it?

And yet it was.

Today was her death anniversary, as it was also my birthday, and he was supposed to go with me to her grave. We were supposed to see her together, but he pushed me away, refusing to take me with him.

Understanding my pain, Luna stood in as always.

“How about we go to the market place, you will love it there.” She said to me, cupping my face in her soft and warm motherly hands.

“I’m too sad to go anywhere, Luna.” I answered back, surprised that I did even though it wasn’t a lie. It was supposed to be a thought.

“You can pick whatever you want, you know. Anything at all.”

Now, that perked me up. The glint in her eyes told me that she meant it, and I felt a smile tug on my lips.

She sure knew how to cheer me up when I needed it.

“Can I come with?” I heard Sam ask from the other side of the room.

After our cake eating, we played some games, just him and I. Everything seemed fine until reality reminded me harshly that I wasn't loved.

“Can he? Please?” My eyes widened a fraction as I stared at his mother with hopeful eyes. It wasn’t that I didn’t like to hang out with her, it was just nicer with him since we were in the same age group.

Luna smiled, wide enough to show her teeth, and, then, she nodded in agreement. “Of course, he can.”

I turned to Sam with a smile of my own to see him stiffen like something was wrong. Then, he glanced over to me, eyes meeting mine. He looked guilty about something.

“Actually.... I wouldn’t be going with you guys anymore. I’m sorry, Violet,” he walked closer to where I sat to explain, fidgeting as he did so. “See, my friends and I have planned to go to the woods for a run for weeks now, and they just informed me through the mind link that we have an open spot, and I kind of don’t want to miss it.”

Disappointment flashed in my eyes, and my shoulders lowered a little. But, I nodded in understanding. He had planned it for weeks after all, going to the bazaar was an impromptu plan.

“It’s alright Sam, I’ll pick out something nice for you.” I told him before he ran off in a hurry.

“Thanks Vi, I owe you one.” And then he was gone.

With Sam gone, his mother and I left to the bazaar alone, and as soon as we got there, jolts of adrenaline in the form of electricity took over my body. Excitement coursed through me and it took everything in me not to run off, and touch everything I could set my eyes on.

Luna smiled at how silly I was acting, and so did I. I suddenly wasn’t sad anymore and all that I could focus on were the different shades of toys, trinkets and items being sold, and I wanted to have one of each.

And as if sensing it, Luna released my hand. The moment I felt her grip loosen, I bolted, giggling as I did.

This was so exciting.

“Be careful Vi, don’t go too far or you’ll get lost.” Luna called. I laughed from how excited I was, and I stopped only for a moment to nod at her from the distance.

“I will, I won’t go far I promise.” I answered back waving a hand at her, and she did the same.

Luna was exceptional. And I wondered what kind of heart she had that could love another’s child like her own.

Sometimes, when I thought about it, I could only come to the conclusion that it was because she was pretty just like my mother was.

And maybe if my mother were here, I would have been opportuned to have two mothers who would love me to death.

Her smile, her eyes and everything else about her, were gentle and loving. Even the way she scolded me was.

The mixture of appreciation and the sight before me, made my heart soar to amounts I never thought possible, that was until a loud crashing sound roared through the air.

My steps faltered, then halted. I stood frozen in my place once my eyes landed on wolves bigger than my human form, howling in the air.

They were much in number, and in that moment, I couldn’t help but notice that although there were a lot of us in the market, most were omegas with no fighting skills whatsoever.

Luna was the only ranked werewolf among us and she, without a thought rushed forward.

The rogues had already started to cause havoc around. People were already running and before my eyes, those who weren’t fast enough were being ripped apart limb by limb - if I didn’t move now, I would definitely end up like them.

Move Violet, Run. I urged myself but my feet seemed to have other things in mind. They stayed glued to the ground, and I whipped my head frantically, my expression showing utter fear and panic.

Luna shook her head for me to calm down, but how could I, when I was soon going to die? She looked calculative, like she was planning her move, then, she signalled for me to run to the doorway of the store closest to me. That way, I could be out of her way and the rogues.

I didn’t know what she was planning on doing but even with her rank, I found it impossible that she could take them down all on her own.

There were just too many of them.

But, I nodded nonetheless, forcing my feet to move, and was relieved when they actually did. I started for the doorway like she had instructed, but before I could even make it half way, I not only stepped on a branch that caught the attention of a few rogues, I bumped into another that somehow knew, maybe he saw us, that I was about to run off.

Another appeared behind me, in human form, naked as the day he was born. He snarled at me, grabbing me from the back of my neck. My eyes widened in horror, and I felt my heart jump out of my chest.

“Let her go!” Luna screamed, attempting to make her way towards me but several growls of warning made her stop.

“Not another step or she dies!” the one holding me growled so loudly my ears threatened to pop. Next thing I knew, I felt a sharp pain at the side of my neck, and my body went limp.

When I woke up, I found myself in a dark, damp and stench filled dungeon. I had only heard of this place from other werewolves, and I thought they were just mere stories but now, I could see hoe horrible and lonely it was, and I was horrified, wondering why I was chained here. Or even how I got here.

Did the rogues get me? Were they the ones who tied me up?

Thousands of questions roamed my mind and fear washed over me. I tried to yank at the chains holding me but who was I kidding, there was no way I was going to make it out.

Then, the sound of footsteps approaching rang in my ears, and I stilled where I sat, my heart thumping oudly in my chest. But the relief I felt when I saw who it was, was second to none.

Sam and his father.

I couldn’t help but smile, my heart slowing.

“Sam, you came. You came for me.” I sang like a song I had rehearsed.

He usually greeted me with a smile, and I couldn’t help but worry over the glare he threw at me. Was he mad about the attack? Did I do something wrong?

My small body shivered with fear, and suddenly, the thoughts that rogues had been the ones to hold me captive didn’t scare me anymore. It was better than what I felt now.

“Alpha?” I called out when they stood a few feet away, not making attempts to unchain me. My eyes pooled with tears from the fear of the unknown, and it was killing me.

The Alpha, with his once warm eyes stared at me with so much hatred you would think I committed the worst crime to ever exist.

“Your father was a traitor. He colluded with rogues and betrayed the very pack that were his people. Because of him, hundreds are dead, and so is the Luna.” What? No, that can’t be! The room started to spin around from his words, and I suddenly felt like I couldn’t breathe. “And, it is your fault that today I lost my soul mate and Sam lost his mother. It is your fault for asking my mate to go out with you. It is your fault she was killed.”

His voice rose with each word, and by the time he was done, he was practically screaming.

But that couldn’t be.

I recalled being sad, and Luna asking me to go with her to the bazaar not the other way around. Sam was there and my eyes shot at him. He knew the truth, why wasn’t he talking?

“That’s not true Alpha. Sam....” I stopped to breathe, forgetting I was supposed to, then continued. “Sam, you were there when Luna asked me to go with her. You even wanted to come with us, remember?”

My face was a mess at this point, and my body trembled as I spoke. While I waited for my best friend to defend me, he whipped his head to the side and shut his eyes, denying the truth. Denying my existence in his life.

“Enough!” His father bellowed with rage that looked about ready to make him explode. “You will pay...” He pointed at me. “...for what your father has done to us and this pack. You will pay for what you have done to this family!“ He said to me, meaning every word before turning around and leaving me alone with Sam.

Luna was dead.

I couldn’t believe it. A few hours ago, - I didn’t even know how long ago, - she was smiling at me, ready to make me the happiest girl in the world, and now, they were telling me she was dead?

Luna was dead?

And my father... My breath hitched, and I froze, refusing to breathe as if it was a lie I was inhaling. He betrayed us? Why? Why would he do such a thing?

Why did he?

Sam had his gaze on me, staring at me with so much emotions I could hold it in my hands. Pure hatred,and anger that was growing into rage.

“You are nothing to me, and I wish, oh I wish, you were the one who died instead.” He marched towards me, each step matching the thunder in his voice. He wrapped his hands around my neck, wasting no time in pressing hard, until my eyes were bulging out of their sockets.


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