
The CEO Ex-Wife's Revenge
The CEO Ex-Wife's Revenge
Author: Sapphire

A shocking news


“I want a divorce.”

My hands are shaking badly as I stare at the papers that my husband has just handed to me, after saying those dreaded words.

Nothing could have prepared me for this … not even the fact that it is and has always been glaringly obvious that my husband is not as in love with me as I am with him.

“I booked a dinner to celebrate your birthday … Your mom and sister are going to be there,” I tell him in a voice that feels like it belongs to a stranger. Maybe if I ignore those horrible words, that he just uttered, they will turn out to be a figment of my imagination.

“I have to get back to the office, unfortunately. I have a very important deal to seal, so I can't come. You can still go and have dinner with my mom and Amanda. Do sign the papers and leave them on my desk. This is for the best. You’ll be well compensated.” Derek says and leaves the room abruptly, not giving me a chance to ask questions.

I sink into the chair that’s nearest to me, my whole body shaking from the emotion that I’m trying very hard to keep in check as the first tears make their way down my cheeks. 

I had thought that Derek and I were making progress in our marriage, no matter how little. Apparently, I am very wrong. 

How did we get to the point that he is serving me divorce papers out of the blue and without any explanation? I do not get to wallow in self-pity for long because my phone chooses that moment to ring shrilly.

“How can you organize a dinner and be late for it? We’ve been waiting for you. We had to change the venue you chose because we discovered somewhere else that we like. I’ll send you the address.” My mother-in-law’s voice comes from over the phone when I answer it.

Needless to say, the last thing I’m in the mood to do is to go spend time with Derek’s mother and sister, who never miss an opportunity to show how much they despise me.

“I’m so sorry, but I won't be able to make it. I’m feeling unwell…” I begin to say, my voice wobbling.

“Nonsense! Present yourself here immediately. We’re waiting for you.” Amanda, my sister-in-law’s voice comes from over the phone and then the call ends.

I’m already dressed, because I had been waiting for Derek to get back so we could go to the restaurant together, so all I have to do is get into one of our cars and have the driver drive me down to the restaurant.

Derek’s mother and sister do not like me one bit, and they never have. Needless to say dinner tonight is going to be very awkward, especially without Derek there to act as a ‘buffer.’

I get to the restaurant with eyes that are puffy and red from crying throughout the whole drive down to the restaurant. I’m sure my mother-in-law and sister-in-law notice, but they don’t comment on it. 

Instead, my mother-in-law tries to bore a hole in my stomach with her eyes and I know she’s trying to guess if I’m pregnant or not. It will be a miracle if we get through this dinner without her commenting on my lack of a baby bump.

“Derek sends his apologies. He won’t be able to make it tonight because he has something urgent to do at work, so it’s just us girls.” I tell them after we exchange greetings.

“Oh, don’t worry. We know just how busy he is.” Amanda, my sister-in-law says, smiling smugly. There’s something very mischievous about that smile, but I can’t exactly place my hands on what it is.

Not up to twenty minutes later, I realize why Amanda has got that evil smile on her face. I'm sitting facing the entrance of the restaurant so I have a clear view of everyone that comes in.

The last person I expect to see come into the restaurant is my husband … or to put it more appropriately, my soon-to-be ex-husband. 

My eyes must be deceiving me, or maybe I am hallucinating. There is no other plausible explanation for what I’m seeing at the moment. At the sight of him and the person he is with my already shattered heart shatters even further and plunges to the soles of my feet.

Hanging on to his arm is the one woman whom I never thought I would see in my lifetime. I have never met her in real life, but I have seen childhood and teenage pictures of her and Derek before. She looks older and more sophisticated than the pictures I saw, but it is her all the same. I’m certain of it.

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