
Same old story


Ava was going to get her heart broken. Derek had no doubt about that. He knew all about Steve and his escapades as well as his sordid reputation when it came to women, but Ava didn’t want to listen to him.

“And who made you her custodian? You broke her heart too, remember?”

Derek scowled and stomped on the last bit of cigarette. He hated having to think about how he used to treat Ava. How could he have been so blind and stupid not to see her worth until it was too late?

How could he have ignored her when all she wanted was for him to like her and make an effort in their marriage? Instead of obliging her, all he had done was to ignore her like a spoilt brat and let his resentment show. Then, in the end, he had been so stupid as to knock up Denise.

He cut off his train of thought immediately as he always did anytime it veered into that territory. He had always prided himself as a principled man and even though he didn't love Ava when he was married to her, he could always bo
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