

Henry walked towards the door of Avery's office, his heart pounding in his chest as he contemplated his sinister plan. He couldn't believe that Avery had given him the position of Managing Director, a role that would give him access to everything he needed to destroy Avery's life and career.

As he drew the handle and stepped out into the hallway, Luke, Avery's trusted assistant and best friend, appeared before him. Luke looked at Henry with a sense of suspicion and wariness, as if he knew something that Henry didn't.

"Good morning, Luke," Henry said with a nervous smile, trying to put him at ease.

Luke hesitated for a moment before responding, "Good morning Henry, I see you have resumed your work and you seem happy about it. But let me tell you that my eyes are watching you every second now. If you don't mind excusing me, I need to talk to Avery immediately."

Henry couldn't help feeling a sense of unease as Luke's words hung in the air. He walked to his office, brushing aside Luke's w
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