
The contract

✨Episode 36✨

Andrian's POV

I was surprised to see Skylar when I got home because the doctor didn't inform me she will be discharged. Although, I've paid her bills already.

I wanted to ask her if she was okay, but my pride didn't let me. I just shot her a stare instead and went to my room.

After having a cool shower, I went back downstairs to meet my food on the dining table. Hmm!

I ate the food and went back to my room to sleep but then I remembered the contract. Application for it is going to close soon so I have to tell Skylar about it tomorrow.

How do I even tell her? Arrgh!!! Andrian, you're so dumb! You should have asked about her health.

It doesn't even matter anyway. The relationship isn't going to be based on love. We're just going to sign a contract and that's all.

I soon drifted off to sleep.

*Next day*

I woke up early with the thought of how I'm going to tell Skylar about the contract. I f

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