
Chapter Three - A better gift

Lucas had been so scared out of his mind, he felt a little calmer when the paramedics assured him that the lady was stable. In a short while, she was conveyed from the hotel to the hospital. Lucas waited in the waiting room until the doctor told him the lady had woken up. When he requested to see her, he was told to wait for a little while.

The image of her face down on the stairs brought back a lot of bad memories. An image of him rushing to his mother's side as she lay in a pool of her own blood flashed before his eyes. And just like that day, Lucas started shivering.

Ethan miles away was not shivering, he was uncomfortable. It would have made more sense if she had begged, cried or at least said something. This calm, and calculated Claire made him uncomfortable. The divorce had been concluded so quickly because Claire hadn't wanted any of his assets or money.

His mind drifted to how it had all started.

Memories of that afternoon in his father's office, came flooding back.

"Ethan you can't keep walking away from me every time I bring this up", Joseph said. The tension was getting thick.

"Dad you can't make me rush a decision as big as marriage.

Dad, I am twenty-five. My girlfriend and I are not even thinking of marriage right now ", Ethan yelled as he approached the door. "Your mother and I got married at twenty-three and we are doing just fine", Joseph said stopping Ethan before he got to the door.

"Dad getting married at twenty-three was a choice you made, you were not forced.

I will only get married when I am ready, that is my final decision ", Ethan said between his teeth and opened the door.

"Come back here.. come back...", Joseph said and started choking. Ethan turned to look and saw his dad fall to the ground clutching his heart.

Ethan ran to his side. A few minutes later, Ethan was in the hospital waiting area. His phone started ringing and he looked at his phone screen. It was his girlfriend, he quickly picked up the call. "Hello", He said into the phone and listened, with his girlfriend, he always had to do the listening. "My dad is at the hospital. I said that in the text I sent to you...", then she interrupted him and again he had to listen. "I can't leave my dad in his state...", and she ended the call.

Ethan felt bad that he had to stand his girlfriend up. Their reservation was booked two weeks in advance and she had been very excited. But Ethan knew his father's health was a higher priority.

Not long after he was called to the doctor's office. The doctor informed him that his father was suffering from Coronary artery disease. Ethan couldn't believe his father kept that from him. Ethan even found out his father was scheduled for an operation. Ethan felt bad that he had engaged in an argument with him, he didn't know his father was very ill. The following day, he found out even more. His father revealed to him that he would only be able to take over the company if he was married. Ethan now understood why his father was pressuring him to get married. It was to secure the company for him. After begging his girlfriend for weeks, he took the most painful decision of his life. He walked away from the love of his life and married her. And he has lived in misery for three lonely years.

When Lucas was told he could finally see her, he decided to quickly get her a bouquet.

He got a bouquet of white roses and when he got to her room she was sitting upright. for someone who had fainted, he was surprised that she wasn't lying down. As she looked up at him, Lucas looked into the most beautiful set of green eyes he had ever seen.

"Thank you so much for helping me", she said and Lucas nodded. he was tongue-tied, it had been a long a woman had been able to captivate him completely.

"I am Lucas Steele", He said when he was able to finally find his voice.

"Nice to meet you, I am Claire Foy", Claire answered,

"the flowers?", Claire asked pointing to the flowers.

"Oh sorry, I got this for you", Lucas said and handed the flowers to Claire. She took it from him and sniffed it,

"thank you very much", she said thanking him.

Lucas Steele was an extraordinary man, the best friend you need at your corner and the worst enemy, you can ever have. He wasn't a billionaire, he was a zillionaire; Lucas Steele was stinkingly rich.

They both sat in silence for a while until Claire slept off.

Claire woke up and the gentleman that had come to visit her had gone.

The doctor came in to talk to her, "Mrs Thompson", and the doctor addressed her.

"it's Claire Foy", Claire quickly corrected him, "I am divorced", Claire immediately added.

"Are you aware you're pregnant?", the doctor asked.

"Yes, I am", Claire answered.

"you have started your prenatal classes?", the doctor asked.

"no I haven't ", she replied. "I have been planning to".

"We have carried out some tests on you and we are yet to arrive at the cause of what happened. but we have found out that you have high blood pressure. we don't have your medical history here but you have high blood pressure ". Claire gasped, "it's ok", the doctor said, trying to calm her down. " sometimes it can be induced by pregnancy but in your case, I think you should also check your lifestyle. Try to be calm and positive for the health of your baby", the doctor had said.

Claire knew the high blood pressure was induced by the problems in her life. When she has found out she had taken in, she had been overjoyed. she had to wait two good weeks, in order to tell Ethan on his birthday. That was part of the surprise she had planned for him but fate had other plans. Claire was an heiress, her parents came from money and had also acquired some of their own.

Claire didn't have to work to be comfortable, but true love had always eluded her.

As she caressed her stomach, she determined to be happy in order to protect the life of her baby. God had given her a better gift. She wasn't going to beg for love anymore, her child was going to love her unconditionally.

As Lucas drove back to the hotel, he had a smile on his face. Knowing the lady was OK made him happy. Her name suited her perfectly, she had the most luminous, porcelain, milky skin he had ever seen. For once Lucas wanted to sleep alone and think about Claire Foy. But when he got to his room, she was there. For the first time in the two years, Angel started gracing his bed, he didn't want to sleep with her.

She was there waiting for him, naked with an ice bucket and a bottle of champagne right there on the bed. Her tanned skin stood out from the sheets, so did her round firm breast. immediately he entered, she pounced on him sucking, kissing and hungrily ridding him of his clothes.

An hour later, Lucas and Angel had the shock of their life. He couldn't get it up.

After sucking his dick for what felt like an eternity, he couldn't get an erection, Angel finally looked up, "Who is she ?".


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