
Chapter 3~ All over

"It's over between us."

Claire awoke from her nightmare once again, her heart pounding heavily in her chest.

Even though it had been days since the breakup, she couldn’t believe Oliver asked to end their relationship of eight years. He used to love her… at least that’s what he showed her. How could he suddenly change his mind for no reason?

Making up her mind to see him and ask if he was serious, she left for the Ford Corporation. She had to see him and maybe make him see reason.

How could they throw away eight years of love and commitment they invested in each other? Was a break-up that easy?

Was that his plan all along? Was he bidding his time just to use her and then discard her like she was trash?

Despite her heart twisting in unbearable pain, she went to the Ford Corporation. However, the security guard stopped Claire at the door.

“You’re not allowed entry, Miss,” he said seriously. “I’ve been ordered not to let you in.”

A stab of pain shot through Claire.

“Step aside! I want to see Oliver Ford!” She hissed.

“He’s the CEO now and you can no longer see him at will,” the bodyguard stated.

Just then, Claire heard a mocking laughter.

She jerked her head up and looked at Jessica Hart, seeing her about to enter the company. The security guard immediately stepped aside to let her enter the company.

Claire felt like she had been slapped.

Jessica looked noble and gentle. Her expensive clothes gave her that wealthy look and confidence. ‘Oliver broke up with me and ended our eight-year relationship for this woman,’ Claire mused, her heart squeezing in soul-tearing pain.

Before Claire could say anything, Jessica beat her to it. She smirked and uttered, “Don’t be too hard on yourself. There’s nothing you can do… see, I’m here to support Oliver with my family’s business so that his CEO appointment is smooth. I’m more useful to him than you… that’s why he discarded you. You’re a liability.”

Her words were full of venom. This woman was as dangerous as a viper and she kept striking Claire where it hurt the most. She wasn’t as noble and kind as she seemed. Not wanting to back down, Claire glared at Jessica and hissed, “I can be of help to him too-”

Jessica threw her head back and laughed. She replied, “What can you possibly do? You’re just an orphan… you’re a nobody. Oliver said you’re just after his money-”

“That’s not true!” Claire hissed, her eyes glaring at the brunette bombshell in front of her. The company employees threw them curious glances as they pretended to go on with their business. “I’m not like that.”

“I’m a better match for Oliver, don’t you think? We are both from wealthy families whilst you have nothing. No impressive background or even a high position. You’re so pathetic and shameless to cling to an outstanding man like Oliver when it’s clear you’re not his type,” Jessica spat, her words making Claire’s stomach twist and turn.

It wasn’t like she didn’t want to pursue her career. Her dream was to become a lawyer and study at one of the best universities abroad. However, she couldn’t leave Brentwood City just in case her mother who had left her at the orphanage came back for her… Also, she couldn’t leave Oliver.

He was her world and all she wanted was to be close to him. So instead of following her dreams, she focussed on her relationship and waiting for her mother to look for her.

Glancing at the woman whose outfit could buy a car, Claire scoffed and began to walk away, not wanting to respond to Jessica’s taunting.

Regardless, Jessica didn’t plan on letting Claire go just like that. In a subtle movement, she placed her foot in Claire’s path, making Claire trip and tumble to the ground.

A hiss left Claire’s lips when she twisted her wrist on the floor, pain jarring up her arm. She bit her lip, stifling the groan of pain that almost escaped.

Jessica smirked wickedly before her eyes widened into saucers. She said in a loud voice, “Hey, I’m sorry… It’s not my fault that Oliver chose me over you. Why did you try to jump on me and hit me? I had to move out of the way or my face would be bruised by your fist right now…”

Hushed whispers resonated around the place as the employees gathered around to watch the commotion. Everyone knew Claire was special to the new CEO. However, they also heard about how he was going to marry the daughter of Mr Adam Hart.

Heat crept up Claire’s face as she got to her feet with difficulty. She looked around and saw how everyone gave her scornful glances.

Jessica dipped her hand into her Chanel bag and took out a chequebook. She then wrote down a figure and stuck her hand with the cheque out to Claire, offering, “I don’t know if this will be enough to calm your anger. You won’t hold this against me, right?”

Claire glared at Jessica as hatred brewed within her, making her blood boil. Her words sounded innocent but she was insinuating that Claire was asking her to pay her money for stealing Oliver from her.

She was about to respond to her when Jessica placed the cheque in Claire’s shirt, her lips curving into a wicked smile.

“Throw away your cheque, do you think everyone is a snob like you rich people?” Claire angrily shot back. She took out the cheque and threw it on Jessica’s face, her eyes flashing with rage.

“I understand, Claire. You’re trying to get as much breakup benefit as possible. Well, if you don’t think a cheque is enough, I’m writing you another one. “ Jessica said and pulled another cheque out of her bag.

 The employees’ whispers became louder, and it was clear that everyone was misled by Jessica’s words. They did not doubt that Claire, whom their CEO had just abandoned was blackmailing his rumoured fiancée.

Claire gritted her teeth, feeling insulted. ‘Are all rich people such snobs? Did I really not know Oliver at all? So he’s kept me in the dark while he already had a woman he wanted to marry…’

She regretted ever getting associated with people who were not on the same social status as her. It was a waste of time and emotions. ‘They are all pretenders! Liars!’

The other cheque fell to the ground when Jessica tried to put it in her shirt again and Claire ignored it… As she left the company, tears rolled down her cheeks and she made a decision to never, ever see Oliver again.

‘I’ll never get close to rich people again,’ she silently promised as she furiously wiped her tears.

Claire was so angry that she didn’t notice a woman silently picking up the cheques that were still on the ground and following her.


Thank you for reading.

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Comments (2)
goodnovel comment avatar
Ibhee Mzplatnum
man this book is already breaking my heart ...
goodnovel comment avatar
Malu Jabian
why does love make people stupid?

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