
Chapter 5~ Her return


“Mommy, will we live here now?”

At the Brentwood City airport, a woman clad in a navy feminine professional suit got down from the plane.

Not only was she stunningly beautiful but she also oozed a powerful aura that gave the impression that she wasn't the type to be trifled with. The woman exuded elegance and grace, confidence radiating in her every step as her pointed high heels clicked on the floor.

In one hand, she held a designer bag and a small hand was clutching the other. A little girl who was a spitting image of her was walking by her side, looking around the place with curiosity and excitement sparkling in her large hazel-green eyes.

Her rosy cheeks and a sweet smile lit up the surroundings. The beautiful mother and daughter were turning heads as they walked through the airport, their presence commanding the attention of passersby.

The woman looked down at her daughter and smiled sweetly. She remarked in a doting voice, “No, sweetie. There’s something Mommy has to do here. We will leave as soon as I’m done. This is not our home.”

This woman was none other than Claire Hamilton and her daughter, Thalia Hamilton. Claire had finally returned to Brentwood City. A city that held her most painful memories.

After Oliver Ford crashed her world six years ago, Claire met her mother. It all happened so suddenly but she was glad for it because now she had a new focus and a new goal...

To take down the Fords.

What she discovered was shocking. But after her experience with how Oliver discarded her like a piece of trash, she only scoffed at the news, 'I guess the apple doesn't fall far from the tree.'

It turns out Henry Ford, Oliver’s father, was responsible for throwing Claire’s father, Jason Hamilton, in prison.

 From then on, Claire decided to go to law school. She soon became a very powerful lawyer. Known to win the toughest of cases, even those which involved corrupt officials who wanted to get away with their crimes.

All this was done in preparation for her revenge. She was going to return to Brentwood City and destroy the Ford family.

“Are we going to fight someone, Mommy?” A soft sweet voice snapped Claire out of her dark thoughts. A smile crossed her lips when she looked at her five-year-old daughter.

She reached forward and stroked Thalia’s hair, saying, “No, I’m going to work. I fight for innocent people in court and make sure the bad guys go to jail.”

Thalia grinned, her large hazel-green eyes lighting up in delight. She remarked, “When I grow up, I want to be a lawyer like you, Mommy.” She then frowned and added, “Although I would have loved to know what my daddy’s job is so that I choose which one I will be.”

Claire’s heart skipped a beat. She cleared her throat before chuckling awkwardly. She responded, “I told you about your Daddy, sweetheart. He’s-”

“I know. He’s up there,” Thalia pointed upwards and sighed before pouting. “I wish you would get married and find me a Daddy in this city.”

 “I’ll think about it, my love,” Claire said quickly to change the subject.

Deep down, she knew that would never happen. Her heart was cold and she had shut herself away from anything that involved love.

‘Allowing one man to hurt and use me was enough. I will never fall in love again,’ she internally vowed.


Meanwhile, a private jet had just landed. Oliver Ford was leaving the airport through the VIP section when he spotted a woman’s back. He stopped in his tracks, the woman’s figure appearing familiar.

 He narrowed his eyes to take a good look. Her long, wavy, flowing raven hair danced in the gentle breeze, framing her face.

Before he could take a good glimpse, a cab stopped in front of her and she got in with the little girl that was with her.

“Sir, do you need something?”

Oliver snapped out of his trance when his assistant’s voice reached his ears. He frowned, shaking his head and asked, “What time is the legal department meeting?”

Thomas Hudson glanced at his watch and answered, “In thirty minutes, Sir.”

They walked towards the waiting convoy of sleek black cars and Oliver got into the backseat of the car in the middle. Thomas followed him but sat in the passenger seat.

 “Who’s the new Legal director? Have you found out?” Oliver asked as the cars started off and drove out of the airport.

 Thomas had a satisfied smile on his face as he replied, “Zenith advocates managed to poach the she-devil. One of the most powerful lawyers in the country. She’s made a name for herself in how she handles and wins cases.”

 Oliver frowned but he didn’t reply. Even though he avoided working with women at all costs, he needed someone to fix the mess that the previous Legal Director had caused the Corporation.

"Has there been any news of her?" Oliver asked.

 "Unfortunately, we still don't have any clue,” Thomas replied. He couldn't help but feel sorry for the CEO who was seated in the backseat.

Even though he was good at his job and could do what no one else could, he still couldn't find the one he had been looking for, for six years.

Thirty minutes later, Oliver and his team arrived at the company and went straight to the conference room where he was having a meeting with the legal team.

 They had to introduce the new legal director before she started the job. However, when Oliver pushed the grand doors open and walked into the conference room, he froze when he saw the woman who was looking right at him with a polite but cold smile crossing her lips.

“Nice to meet you, Mr Ford. I’m Claire Hamilton, your new Legal Director,” the woman introduced herself.


Thank you for reading.

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