
Chapter 52~ A Grandma

Roxanne sent the picture she took to her husband and sent him a text.

[Check this out, Babe. This child looks exactly like Claire.]

A response came through immediately at the speed of light.

Henry: [I didn’t know she had a child… how old is she?]

Roxanne bit her lip. From what she could see, the child was between five to six years old. Her years were tallying with the years that Claire had disappeared.

Could the child be…?

Her heart raced at the thought that had crossed her mind. How good would it be if it were true? However, just assuming wasn’t enough. She needed to confirm her suspicions!

Approaching the little girl who was playing with some toys on the ground, Roxanne crouched down on her haunches despite being in heels.

She glanced at the child and smiled sweetly, saying, “Hi, my love. You’re so pretty. My name is Roxanne… what’s your name?”

Thalia blinked as she looked at the woman before her. She didn’t look like she was a bad person and the aura she was oozing was

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