
A Dinner is planned

A few days have passed and I have yet to see Austin. It seems odd that he has contracted me for a minimum of three months and then I don’t hear from him or see him, not that I am complaining. Connie and I have grown closer and gotten to know each other better during the week and I have found that I really enjoy her company. Erin hasn’t made an appearance again since that first night and to be honest that is something small that I can celebrate. Feeling at a loss as to what to do with myself, I decided to explore the library.

Wandering through the currently empty house on my way to the library, I begin to find myself feeling rather lonely. Flicking Kenzie a quick text to see what she is up to, I walk through the door and into the library. Perusing the shelves I see that the majority are classics such as Charles Dickens and Jane Austin. But tucked away in the corner I spy one of my favourite fantasy series. A Song of Ice and Fire by George R. R. Martin. Curling up in the lone red leather chair I open the first book and begin to read.

Time seems to fly by as I sit reading. Checking my phone for the time, I notice messages from both Kenzie and Austin. I read them starting with Kenzie.

Kenzie: Hey Girl! Not much. What’s up?

Austin: I will be arriving tonight. We will be having dinner together. Dress up for me. Austin.

Sigh. A part of me was hoping to invite Kenzie around tonight to ease some of the boredom.

Me: Hey Kenzie, Dw about it. Turns out Mr Aves is stopping by 4 the 1st time tonight.

Kenzie: Oooh girl ya bout 2 get some!

Putting my phone down, I try to think of what to say back to Austin. Reaching a conclusion I hit send.

Me: Sure. Any preferences?

The phone dings almost instantly with his response.

Austin: Something red. No panties.

Well that's simple, and easily done if not a bit embarrassing. 


Several hours pass and in that time I have decided to primp myself. I’ve had a long soak in the tub and shaved every bit of unnecessary hair off of my body. If this is happening I at least want to feel somewhat sexy and maybe just maybe like he actually wants me, rather than this just being a job as such. Blow drying my hair I look through the drawers in the bathroom hunting for some product and makeup. Finding my favourite brand stocked, and unopened I giggle a little at the thought of it.


Glancing in the mirror before heading downstairs, I can’t help but be proud of how I look. My blonde hair is up in a bun that only looks messy, with tendrils curling around my face. I have done subtle make up, making sure to make my eyes pop.Deciding to dress for the job, I chose a sultry, blood red, knee length bandage dress with a slit almost all the way to my hip. With this decision I also decided to push the boundaries a little and chose to wear nothing underneath the dress. Pairing it with a pair of matching flats, I begin to walk downstairs while trying not to show my nerves.

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