
Day One

After a long soak I’m feeling much better. Climbing out of the pool I dry myself off before slipping on the fluffy robe that was hanging behind the door. This man has good taste when it comes to the comforts in life. I think, slowly stroking the sleeve of the robe. Stepping out back into the wardrobe I run my hand along all the fabrics available. In my attempt to locate some comfy pajamas, I find a series of drawers tucked away in the corner.

Opening them one at a time, I peer through them quickly. In the top most drawers I find lingerie. Why am I not surprised? The majority is made of lace or silk and some of it can be described as barely there. Opening the next drawers down I find socks, stockings and the like. The next drawers down have exactly what I am looking for, although more expensive than I would buy myself. Changing into the soft and fluffy pajamas I head into the bedroom and climb into the massive bed. Grabbing both my phone and the new one I start to transfer over my contacts before flicking Kenzie a text.

Hey girl, this place is amazing. Look 4ward 2 having u here.

As I wait for her reply, I snuggle deep into the covers and I am asleep before I hear the phone ding with her response.


Waking up it takes me a moment to realize where I am. Remembering the events that led me here, a slight blush colors my face. Reaching over to the nightstand I grab my phone. Seeing a response from Kenzie I opened it.

Damn girl! With how much that guy is worth it better b!

Smiling at her response, I walk out of the bedroom and head downstairs. Hearing sounds from the kitchen I walk in to find a small, middle aged woman cooking up a storm. Delicious scents tease my nose as she looks up from the batter she is mixing. 

“Oh hello. You must be Victoria. Mr Aves has hired me to be your housekeeper. Now I don’t know your preferences for breakfast so I thought I would make a little bit of everything and we can discuss your meal preferences over it together.” She says with a warm smile.

“That sounds wonderful.” I respond, an answering smile crossing my face as I do so. “To be honest, I was dreading eating by myself. I would actually like it if you could join me for most meals if you are the one cooking them.”

“If Mr Aves allows it I see no problem with that, Oh although I do not work Sundays. On those days you will have to fend for yourself.”

“Can I do anything to help?” I ask, feeling awkward just standing here watching her work.

“No, no I’m fine. How about you head back upstairs and get changed. Breakfast should not be too far away.” she responds while pouring the batter onto a hot skillet.

“Okay. I’ll be back” I turn and head out to do just as she said.

I head back down the stairs in jeans and a silk blouse, wanting to make a good impression on the housekeeper. If she is feeding me I really want her to like me. Otherwise she might poison me haha. I head into the dining room but do not see her. Trekking my way to the kitchen I find she has pulled some stools up to the counter. On the counter is a magnificent feast that she has prepared. There are waffles, fruit salad, bacon, and eggs. My mouth waters as the smell of fresh coffee reaches my nose. 

“Oh I’m sorry. I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Connie. Connie Sutton.” She extends her hand to me. I take it gently, returning her handshake, immediately at ease with her.

“Right now you sit down and eat. Look at you. You’re nothing but skin and bones!” She exclaims, ushering me to an empty stool. Before I have even sat down she is piling my plate high with a little bit of everything.

“Now while you are eating, I’ll tell you a little about myself.” she says, pouring herself a mug of coffee. “For starters, I have worked for Mr Aves for the last ten years. I have found that although he comes across as cold and distant he is actually a warm and caring boss, well atleast to me. I am happily married and have two wonderful children, who at times may come here while I am working. Now tell me a little about yourself.”

“Well,” I say, swallowing my mouthful. “My name is Victoria Stratos, but I’m guessing you already knew my full name. I am an only child. Before coming here I worked for my fathers business but never really felt I belonged. Oh and I am allergic to cats.”

“Right, now that we are somewhat acquainted, please can you tell me what you like to eat. Wait! I’ve got it. Why don’t we sit here and make a meal plan? That way I am organised and I can do the weekly shop knowing exactly what we need.” she rubs her hands together, her joy at these statements evident. I answer her, starting to feel more and more comfortable with my situation.

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