
32. The Most Important Meal

In the morning, Ansel woke and heard his stomach growl. The savory aroma of eggs and bacon hit his nose, and he wondered where it was coming from. He had a personal chef that cooked for him, but it was her day off. Did Anya barged in unannounced and used his kitchen? It wouldn't be the first time.

But then he remembered someone else was here. Elisa...

Ansel went downstairs and found Elisa and Audre sitting at the breakfast table. Elisa had set the table with freshly cooked eggs, bacon, and toast for breakfast.

"Good morning," Elisa looked at him and smiled.

Ansel felt strange. He had been alone since he divorced Jessica and didn't let anyone stay in his home since. Most of the women he brought home were one-night stands or meaningless sexual endeavors. This was the type of scenario he wasn't used to.

"Good morning. What's going on here?" Ansel asked and grinned.

"I used your kitchen to make breakfast. I hope that's okay. I didn't want

Angela Lynn Carver

Is Elisa bringing out the 'nice guy' Ansel again?

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Comments (1)
goodnovel comment avatar
doubt it. dude is a douche through n through.

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