
41. Worried Sick

Elisa spent an entire afternoon in the kitchen so she could prepare dinner. She called Anya ahead of time and asked her about Ansel's favorite meals.

"My brother is one lucky man, and he definitely does not deserve a woman like you," Anya had said on the phone.

Elisa blushed on her side. "I'm just trying to pay him back for everything he has done for me so far. I'm eternally grateful to him," she said.

"Oh hush. He didn't do those things out of kindness. He did all that to win you over." Anya laughed. "I think there's a strong possibility that he might be in love with you," she added.

There was not a chance in hell that was true, Elisa thought.

"You are so wrong," she giggled.

"You just wait and see Elisa. I know my brother, and he doesn't do nice things for people he doesn't love. But god knows how long it would take him to admit it. He had always been bad at expressing his true feeli

Angela Lynn Carver

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Comments (6)
goodnovel comment avatar
Imee Caravaca
Loving it so far!
goodnovel comment avatar
Bera McNeal Myers
I'm loving it. However she need to let Ansel know she slept with her physcho ex to save her daughter. Because if she is pregnant it could be his. She need to tell Ansel everything. If she doesn't it could ruin her chances of him falling in love with her and think she's no different from Jessica.
goodnovel comment avatar
Sharon Chattergoon
cool..but she need to come clean with ancil and time to get rid of shit ass ex

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