

The training grounds were alive with the sounds of sparring and exertion as Natalia put the warriors through their paces. As arms master, she was determined to whip them into proper shape.

"You call that an attack?" she barked at one young wolf struggling through a defensive drill. "My grandmother strikes faster than that, and she's half blind!"

The warrior grit his teeth, face burning with humiliation as his peers snickered. With renewed fury, he threw himself back into the drill under Natalia's relentless gaze. She showed him no mercy, determined to either make him stronger or break him entirely.

Two hours later, the entire company lay sprawled on the ground, muscles trembling with exhaustion. Natalia nodded in satisfaction.

"That's enough for today. Drink water and stretch well. We'll pick this up again tomorrow."

Ignoring their resentful groans, she briskly made her way towards the healer's quarters. She needed to follow up on the vaccine lead with Lila. The memory of the sh
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