

Kat crept silently away from Vitale's office, her heart pounding. She had heard enough of Marco's report to know that Vitale was pursuing a promising lead to find the missing children.

A surge of panic washed over Kat as she slipped unseen through the darkened corridors of the pack headquarters. She had worked too hard, sacrificed too much, to let it all come crashing down now. The thought of Vitale discovering those brats, proof that Natalia had borne his heirs, made her blood run cold. She had to stop him, no matter the cost.

Reaching an empty conference room, Kat pulled out her phone with trembling hands. She selected a number, took a deep breath to steady her nerves, and hit call. After three rings, a gruff voice answered.


"It's Kat," she said sharply, all business. "I have a priority task for your team. Vitale is chasing a lead on the missing kids. I need you to intercept and redirect him."

"Shouldn't be an issue," Sergei, one of her most trusted spies from her father's
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