
Cursed daughter

The Perkins mansion was lit aglow with bright lights since the day was slowly turning to darkness. Elina's mom walked into the room her eldest daughter was in, accompanied by Violet. The two shut the door and proceeded in. Like every time, Leah was awake and resting her back against the headboard. Elina's mom sat on the bed beside her while Violet stood to the side, She brought some warm soup for her. If Elina wasn't gone. She'd be the one attending to her elder sister.

"Her condition is getting much worse… Aunt is there another way… I'm afraid she isn't going to last,” Violet said, seeing how thin Leah had become. Even her eyes, which used to be bright and big had seemed tired. Elina's mom knew what was happening. Eventually, her daughter was going to be no more. The pain of losing both hurt her more than anything,

“She'll be fine,” Elina's mom muttered while coaxing her daughter to eat something. The sadness in her eyes was like a sharp knife piercing her heart.

“Elina is trying a
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