
Chapter 34: I Love You...

Olivia felt relieved after bursting into tears. She was also a bit embarrassed for crying so suddenly and right in front of Conrad. She lets go of Conrad and wipes her tears away with her hand. Conrad gives her his handkerchief and tells her to use it to wipe her tears and to blow her nose.

“Feel any better?” Conrad asked.

“Yeah, I do,” Olivia answered. “I guess I needed that.”

“Look, whatever it is you’re feeling at any day, you can always open up to me about it.” He said. “Or maybe I can comfort you if you just want to cry or anything,” He continued. “And it’s fine if you can’t tell me right away. I just want you to know that I’m always here if you need someone to talk to.”

“Thanks for being a good friend, Conrad.” She said as she gave Conrad another hug.

After they hugged each other, Olivia gives Conrad’s handkerchief back. But Conra

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