
The Cold CEO's Woman
The Cold CEO's Woman
Author: Goodness Chiamaka

Scene 1

24 years old, Anita Baker recently graduated from the university. She's her parents' first daughter and has five younger sisters. As her father works in the bank, her mother trades. 

Anita has a fair complexion from her sisters. This set her apart, making her father to question if he's truly her father. However, her mother assured her that she is. Her father still threatens to conduct DNA test to prove if Anita is really is child. But nonetheless, he accepted Anita and enrolled her in school.

As a graduate of Business admiration, Anita is so happy to graduate with good results. Well, due to her father's behaviour, Anita avoids men and only accept to go on date, but she clearly reject to continue with relationship. 

Temisa Patrick, Anita's best friend had advice her to give love a chance, but Anita refused, remembering her father's insult towards her mother. According to Anita, she says, "My father constantly accused my mother of cheating on him. Do you know, he got her pregnant on multiple occurrence and my mother produced me and my five siblings. How do you explain this concept with my father's claim of infidelity? Well, my mother believe he loves her, but I don't think so."

When they were still in year two at the private university, Anita had this conversation with Temisa, who had advised her to give love a chance. Anita feels the men only want to sleep with her, and when this happens, the man would change. Maybe, he would start behaving like her father.

Dismissing the thoughts about having a relationship, Anita focused on her studies until she finally graduated. She sits on a chair in the private room she shares with Temisa, as they prepare to go back home.

"Anita, I am happy. We will be leaving this school and going home. I cannot explain how much I long to have my freedom and return home," Temisa says.

"Me too," Anita replied, knowing that she doesn't like home and would be subjected to her father's unruly remarks, regarding she and her mother. This led Anita to shake her head in silent, knowing her three younger sisters would torment her, calling her an outcast. They're jealous of her complexion difference, which was not her fault.

Shaking her head once more, Temisa noticed Anita's anguish. 

"What is it, girlfriend? You don't seem to look happy, even though you are graduating as one of the best graduating students today." Temisa asked, rising from her seat and approaching Anita where she sat on the chair. Temisa was previously adjusting her facial appearance in front of the mirror as it was their award given day.

"Nothing," Anita replied, and continue shaking her head in agony.

"Are you sure?" Temisa inquired, already knowing that Anita's had explained before. The reason she disliked men and avoids relationship.

"Do not worry. When I arrive home, I will speak with my mother on your behalf to allow you come living with us, until you get a job and an apartment of your own." Temisa said.

"Thank you," Anita replied, smiling shyly at Temisa. "You don't have to go discussing it with your mother for now Temisa, let me go home first."

"It doesn't mean. You're like my sister, so you don't have to worry much, as graduating with a first class is no joke. You should look sweet when collecting your award. Come and sit here, let me makeup your face," As Temisa said that, she moved away and went to prepare her make up instruments. 

Anita sat on the chair facing the mirror, and she said, "You know that I don't like makeup."

"I'm aware, but you should look sweet when you're collecting your awards as the best graduating student in our set. Now, quiet down," Temisa approached Anita and resume with the make-up. 

As Temisa is through, Anita is stunned by her new looks in the mirror. She hadn't applied make, now she understands why Temisa had so many admirers.

Temisa is a billionaire's daughter. Her father works for Benson Group, which is one of the biggest industries in their state. Anita has read about the Benson family online and wishes she can work for them. She studied day and night to graduate with a first class honour, and also to know if they would accept her

Anita had thought of asking Temisa for her father's help, but it seemed awkward and knowing it would make other young women to think less of her. She decided not to ask Temisa and to submit her application to the company by herself.

"All done now. Don't you see how you look so sweet in the mirror?. Oh my god! I am the best makeup artist here on campus! Temisa fans herself with her fingers to blow a breeze on her face.

Anita smiles at her sweetly and reply, "Don't overhype yourself too much because of me. Yes, you tried, but no, I still don't like makeup," Anita admitted.

"Shush! Shut up. I am hoping that a handsome man will see you today and ask you out." Temisa giggles, everything to her is about a relationship. She's actually mean when it comes to relationships, as she changes her boyfriend every month.

She doesn't believe in love, and rather spends her time dating different men. Well, she never admits to sleeping with any of the men that she has gone out on a date with, as she only claims to snap pictures with them.

This was something difficult to believe, as Anita didn't believe her. Since Temisa is usually spotted with different men. Some at the beach, some in a restaurant, and some in a clubhouse, taking different photos with her. Yet she claims she's still a virgin, after Anita also told her she is also a virgin. 

Anita didn't believe Temisa, as she believes that a virgin is supposed to be calm and keep to herself, so no guy will use her. But Temisa dresses hot, wearing bum-shorts, crop tops, and all sorts of seductive, and tempting wear. 

Temisa is a dark-skinned beauty, with a sexy curve like Anita. But she isn't jealous of Anita's being light-skinned, as they're in the same department and also studied the same course which made them become best friends.

Anita is more intelligent than Temisa, while Temisa is the party-hard type.

"Let's go outside now. I am sure that most of our family members would have arrived for the party," Temisa says, as she quickly packs her remaining things into her box. Keeping her make-up kits, and she zips closed her box of clothes.

Temisa had rented the room where they're staying, so they stayed back most of the time in the room, even though the school is on holiday.

It is their final year to say goodbye. Anita drags all her boxes of clothes out, as she's already going back home after the awarding ceremony ends.

They step out to witness the university's final event and the awarding of the best graduating student.

Anita Baker was called and awarded a first-class award and recognition for her academic excellence. 

Temisa is all smiles as she sits in the crowd and claps for her best friend, who steps out from where she was seated in the crowd, and walked out to receive her awards.

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