
Chapter 72

Anita gets up from the couch when she notices her mother's arrival, shortly after Glory did.

"Good evening, mother," Anita says, and Mrs. Tonia smiles in return. "Are you ready? Where are Favour, Esther, and the others?"

"They're most likely in their rooms," Anita says.

"Are you certain? Please go inform them that we will be leaving shortly," Mrs. Tonia said.

"Okay, mom," Glory responded, ready to enter the passage. However, Flora and Lisa emerged and greeted their mother. "Evening, Mom. Are you all leaving now?" Flora asked. Citing Glory, Anita and their mother in the living room.

"Yes," Mrs. Tonia responded.

"Sure, Mom. I will not be able to join you right now owing to transportation difficulties, but I will catch up with you guys later," Flora said.

"Okay," Mrs. Tonia said, stepping outside the house with Anita and Glory.

Anita generously assisted Glory in carrying her box, while Glory carried her schoolbag.

"Goodbye," Glory gestures at Lisa, and Flora asks, "Mom, shouldn't
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