
Chapter 1021

Darius slowly extended his arm and placed his palm against the wall ahead. The countless screaming souls that bared their teeth from earlier materialized before him. Their eyes lit up with greed like they wanted something from him. Darius knew they were after his body. They wanted to take it over and return to life. He refused to fulfill their wish.

His lips spread into a thin smile that didn't quite meet his eyes. Darkness shrouded his gaze. It gave off a frosty exterior. It was as if his presence had set off a blizzard in the space around them. Overflowing black life force spilled from his palm. This caused the words on the wall to stop distorting. The words seemed to have grown eyes, all focusing on Darius.

It took several seconds before Darius realized he hadn't hallucinated it. The eyes existed. Soon enough, the words crept out of the walls, revealing that they were actually an enormous clew of wriggling worms.

"Oh!" Teivel exclaimed. "Those are leeches that originate from West
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