
Their quiet time


Monica was sleeping when she felt a hand around her waist; she startled awake in shock with alarming eyes since she was not used to having people around her at night. Then she heard his voice.

"Hush! It's me, it's me!"

William replied, his voice immediately calming Monica's anxiety as she extended out her hand to touch him since a part of her still struggled to comprehend it was him.

"When did you come back?" Monica inquired gently, noticing nothing on his upper body.

“When you were sound asleep, thirty minutes prior. I showered before I came to you,” William remarked, pressing his nose into her lap and taking in her aroma, which he remembered especially, as though her scent were a significant affair he would never be able to forget.

"How is Baron doing?" Monica said sharply, sensing that William was a touch depressed. This led her to wonder if there had been some sort of unpleasant incident involving Baron that had left William extremely distressed.

“The operation was succe


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