
Chapter:-67 (Family)

Author POV:-

Jonathan took a deep breath and began to speak. He is terrified; he himself cannot believe what has happened until now; how will he explain this to others? Especially to Brandon.

"I went to my studio with Jace three days ago. I meet Trisha; she is there waiting for me. She requested that I come to the hospital for some tests. I don't want to go there, but when I see her condition, I can't help myself. Rain, her son, is not well, and he needs his biological father. I know it's not going to work, but... when I saw the report, he is my son. Rain is my own son. I really want to tell you guys, but I can't, but when Jace came and told me about Trisha's visit, I was able to. After that, I wake up here. You know what happened afterward."

Jonathan stopped at that while wiping his tears. He was ashamed and scared. He didn't look up; he didn't want to see their reaction. For the time being, there was complete silence.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...." Brandon screamed as he smashed the near
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Mere Jacobs
aplogise to her and get on with life. trisha take advantage of jonathan get everything u want from him for the future of your son.

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