


I wake up feeling like I've been hit by a truck. I groan, bringing a hand to my head that's pounding like crazy and sits up on a bed.

What happened? I think to myself, looking around the room till my gaze lands on a man in a dark blue suit, sitting on a hand chair beside the glass windows, staring out and while sipping on a cup of coffee. Instantly, everything comes crashing back.

The wolves. The kids turning into wolves and Scar getting hurt before everything fades. Shit! I've been kidnapped! I straighten on the bed, looking at the unknown man who still hasn't looked at me cautiously. “Who are you and what do you want from me?” If he wanted me dead, he would have during my unconscious state.

“I believe you already know,” comes his thick, raspy voice and when he finally turns his face, I'm stricken with a pair of green eyes.

Shit. Leonardo Velasquez. It's like staring at another vision of Damein and Vance.

I gulp when a smirk curves at the corner of his lips an
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