
Chapter 13 - Benji

Ciara’s POV

After the ride to my house, I park my bike in the garage and then make my way through the back door. “Anyone home?” I yell.

“I’m in here…” My mom’s sweet voice calls out to me from the direction of the kitchen. I walk in and see my mom wiping down all the countertops and cleaning up after dinner. “How was your day?” She doesn’t look up at me.

“OK.” I walk over and give her a quick squeeze as she leans her head against mine, continuing to scrub a small speck of what looks like sauce off her kitchen counter. “Where’s dad?” I ask.

Mom continues to scrub the counter. If she isn’t careful, she may scrub a hole in the wood. “Oh, he just leave with Noah after we ate dinner. They had some Beta work to do this evening with some of the warriors. He will be here later.”

“I see.” I am glad my dad wasn’t here. I was still pretty mad at him for siding with the Alpha. A small amount of betrayal lingered when I thought about my father.

“I heard about the parties. I am sorry it didn’t wo
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